
What do I do?? I need her in my life

by  |  earlier

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As if the day couldnt get any better my sister breaks the news to me that her friend (who i like) Is going out with someone. My heart completley broke down after I heard it. I still cant get over her, what can I possibly do to try and move on?




  1. First of all. Take some time before you run out and start dating, your sister didn't say she was getting married. Sometimes when you take a different route in life, you find out that what you were looking for was right in front of you (yes, like the song says)- You have a reason to stay in the picture, you don't have to erase her out of your memory.

    Be supportive and keep yourself in her 'circle' of friends. You can move on when you can go out and not compare every girl you meet to her.

    Second of all.. Why the heck if you liked her, not tell her yourself? You can't expect her to guess that you are interested in her if you never showed her any interest. Take a step back and ask yourself how are you not going to let the right one get away the next time.  

    I hope she soon realizes that the best one is still going to be waiting for her when she falls...

  2. like the first guy said....what were you doing when she was available ?.....its kind of late to break into her new relationship take it as a learning lesson to make your moves quicker when you see a girl you like.. before this happens again.

  3. well, if you never made a move, you have nobody to blame but yourself. maybe your sister knows you like her and told you that to light a little fire under your butt because she also sees that you're not making a move. and even if you tried to make a move and it didn't work (unless she flat out rejected you), you can still go for it. show her how much you're willing to show her how much she means to you and maybe that'll open her eyes. you say you need her in your life, and then you ask how to move on... you're giving up without even trying. does that sound smart?

  4. yourself

    2.write her a note saying you lke her

    3.try to be atracteve cause girls love that

    4.try to smeel good

    5.try to dress good were the best cloths you have

    6.ask your friends to ask her who she likes

    7.(or) ask your freinds to ask her do she like you

    8.(or) ask your friends to tell her you like her

    9.impress her the way you think shed like to be imressed

    10.tell your sis you like her then she wll probably laugh but she will tell her friend youl ike her trust me she will cause girls gossip then the girl will or might reject you so just maybye move on or say that you wer jus playin you think she is ugly see how that works out well ive got nothin now

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