
What do I do? Please help me...?

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What do I do about a girl who was supposedly one of my best friends, but as it turns out, she has been talking sh*t about me to my other best friend.

I promised the girl who told me that I wouldn't say anything about her telling me, so I can't confront her.

The girl who says things about me usually does this as a repercussion of a small argument we had, or if she gets jealous of me. She does say things about my other friend to me, so it's not like I'm being singled out.

I feel like I can't trust her, and I don't know how I am supposed to talk to her if I'm hurt by what she said. I don't want to be fake, and nice to her when I know that I am mad at her...but at the same time, I can't show her that I'm mad because I promised not to say anything to her.

What do I do?




  1. I think you should be careful of the best friend who told you what the other said.  What one said to the other was in confidence and maybe she had to vent.  She should not have said anything to cause a bigger problem between you two.  She may also be telling the other BF what you have told her in confidence and then plays this don't tell her I told you stuff.

  2. Just try to know she really said those things about you or not? You may sideline her if she is doing so. It will create a problem for your image in front of other friends of yours. If you find she is guilty then just ignore her.

  3. I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you this: girls (especially teens) talk sh*t. That's how life is. If you don't think she's a nice person to be around...just distance yourself from her. If you see her at school (or whatever), say hello and just walk on.  If she asks you to hang out, give her an excuse.

    If you want to talk to her about it and maybe give her a chance, you could just wait for an appropriate time and say, "[insert name here], I want to be your friend but it really bothers me when you talk trash about other people.  How can I trust you if I know you gossip about our other friends?"  You don't even have to let on that you know she talked trash about you.  

  4. do wat i do tell her that ur sources say that she is talkin bout u and ask her of it's true and if she says no just find another friend

  5. Tell your other friend that you really need to confront her(the trouble maker) You either need to put a stop to all of this or just not be best friend with her any more. How can she be your best friend,when you can't even trust her?

  6. we have the same name how cool is that? But I shall try to but that aside and help. I have or really had a best friend but I guess she got jelous of me because I had a boyfriend and she didn't well she told him I was going to break up with him so he was planing to dump me on friday and she told me that he was so I broke up with him frist. She told this to almost everyone but no one really likes her and they all told me. So I confronted her I didn't use names I just said "I know what you did and it wasn't cool I don't like it when you go behind my back." and she was like "Who told you? or why do you think that?'' And all I said was I have friends and they'll tell me things" so confront her with out names

  7. smak dat *****

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