What do I do about a girl who was supposedly one of my best friends, but as it turns out, she has been talking sh*t about me to my other best friend.
I promised the girl who told me that I wouldn't say anything about her telling me, so I can't confront her.
The girl who says things about me usually does this as a repercussion of a small argument we had, or if she gets jealous of me. She does say things about my other friend to me, so it's not like I'm being singled out.
I feel like I can't trust her, and I don't know how I am supposed to talk to her if I'm hurt by what she said. I don't want to be fake, and nice to her when I know that I am mad at her...but at the same time, I can't show her that I'm mad because I promised not to say anything to her.
What do I do?