
What do I do? Please help!!?

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My daughter got molested three years ago from her step brother and now she is 8 and is very interested in s*x. I don't know what to do. Please help!!!




  1. You need to seek professional help for that child.  There is nothing anyone can say on Yahoo Answers other than get her professional help

  2. I know what your going through, I have Three children that had been molested and its not easy as a parent to feel as though you fail them somehow or did not protect them,2 to 5 years old is  a time where children absorb things, molestation by a sybling  is a very harsh to deal with, I think that some counsling may help for starters, but also remember at this age the fact of curiousity sets in so it doesn't help matters sometimes it makes them worse.   As long as she is safe from the one that molested her and that she knows that it was not her fault and that she can see someone that is an expert in the field of sexual abuse it will be a start, monitor her when she is playing with her friends make a rule that no door is to be shut when she is playing around her friends and talk to the school about close monitoring of her actions while she is not with you , it may seem like you are inprisoning her but don't as parents we all have an obligation to protect our children,

    if you would like to talk to someone that is going through the same thing you can messege me

  3. Yes, definitaly for her well being she needs to get proffesional help from a child phycologist. Hopefully she has had some already, but its time to start it up again.

      Some children wether molested or not just show more of an intrest in s*x than other children. Its possible that she would have been one that had this intrest anyway, but you can't take any chances.This is far too seriuos.

       Sorry this happened to you and your daughter, I can not imagine how incredibly difficult this was and is for both of you.

  4. I would say that would probably be more a phase since I was interested in s*x when I was 7, and no one molested me.

    But take her to a child counselor or therapist anyway. I'm terribly sorry about what happened to her though. Did you press charges?

  5. Get her in therapy pronto!!!!!!

  6. Hello Jodie,

    That is a fear of mine. My 5 yo son was molested last year by their dad's new wife's 14yo daughter, while my 4 yo daughter watched. He is still in Counseling. I was recently informed that my daughter is ready to "graduate" her Counseling, mainly because she never felt physically in danger as a bystander.

    I will assume that your daughter went to Counseling after this happened. Even if she did not, it is time to seek Counseling again for her. Being "interested in s*x" is a little vague. Is she curious how it all works, or she is acting out? There's a big difference and by your question, it sounds like this is serious.

    YOU as a parent are responsible to make EVERY EFFORT to insure the safety and well-being of your daughter. With your support and the professional assistance she NEEDS you will all be ok. My prayers are with you.

  7. I agree that therapy is needed.  I know you mentioned counseling was done but it seems like there are new issues to be dealt with.  The sooner the better.

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