
What do I do? URGENT?

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I'm 17 and my sister is 19. She's home for 2 weeks before fall term of college (her sophomore year) begins, and I'll be a senior in high school. However, living at home right now is h**l on earth. She demands that I do everything for her. She doesn't have her driver's license but I do, so any time she wants to go somewhere I have to take her. I pay for the gas in my car (it's a 1999 Saturn, I got it when my grandma's uncle died, it was his and the estate was selling it dirtcheap so I bought it). Today she said that she wanted to go to her friend's house so, when I was busy buying my books online for school, she demanded that I drive her (it's 35 minutes away). I told her that I couldn't right then, she would have to wait until I was done and either take the bus or not go today. She immediately launched into a screamfest and yelled at me "No you dirty little f*cker, you're going to get your *** out into the car and you're going to take me! I don't give a sh*t about your books!" and began punching my shoulder, which I wrenched yesterday prepping the boat to take out fishing tomorrow. I told her to knock it off and stop hitting me and she refused. She punched me again so I grabbed her arm to keep her from hitting my shoulder (it hurts really badly, even after a max dose of Tylenol) and she screamed. Then my dad came downstairs and said "Shut the f*ck up and if I ever see you touch her again I'll break your f*cking arm." I told him what went on and he said "Yeah right, I would have heard it." (he's deaf in his right ear from working in a factory for 30 years, and has partial hearing in his left). Then under her breath, she said "So there b*tch, get off your *** and take me NOW." I told her no because I was still working, so she went upstairs. Then I heard a noise of a crash upstairs, so I went up to see--she was in my room looking for my car keys and in the process knocked over the picture frame on my desk onto the floor, and it shattered. I told her to get the broom to clean up the glass, and she said "Oh, I didn't do it!" when she clearly did. By the time I got the glass cleaned up most of the way, I noticed my keys were gone, and heard the car alarm go off--she tried to open the door with the key but I locked it with the remote, so she couldn't get in. I took my keys back and went inside and my dad yelled at me for having glass on the floor in my room and I told him that she knocked it over when she was getting the keys, and he said "Big deal, suck it up. Take her to her friend's house" I had just finished buying my books so I got in the car and went to take her, and told her I needed to get gas for the 70 mile roundtrip, and she was going to pay me gas money. She said to forget it and took the bus. When she got home later, I was cooking dinner (grilled chicken and broccoli alfredo) and she demanded that I make something different because she wanted pizza instead. I explained that we didn't have anything to make it and I had already started this, and she said fine and stomped off. I finished dinner and we began to eat, and she said "Eww, this tastes like dog sh*t" (even though the rest of us thought it was very good; I've won an award for this recipe), spat out her mouthful (she eats like a pig) and stomped off. I was angry and I excused myself from the table to calm down. I came back and the rest of us finished dinner normally.

Then just now I came downstairs after finishing all the dinner chores (cleaning the table, rinsing the dishes, starting the dishwasher, etc) and sat down, and instantly she got up, shouted "Goddamn you, why the f*ck are you still here? Don't you get that I hate your guts and wish that you wouldn't f*cking live here? Stop breathing you little b*****d!" and ran upstairs and slammed the door. My dad came downstairs and began yelling at me for "annoying her" and when I got up to rinse out my soda can before recycling it, I lost my balance and put out my arm to catch myself before I landed on my bad knee (I chipped it in April when I fell up the Acropolis in Athens), and then he grabbed my arm (the same one she had punched earlier, that was already wrenched) and pulled it out and then yelled at me. He just went to work now, so thankfully there's a bit of peace here now. What can I do? This has been going on since she came home Friday night. My parents are basically doing whatever she wants to keep her willing to come home (she doesn't want to come home a whole lot because she goes to college 400 miles away). I've talked to them about this before and they don't listen. I don't know how I'm going to be able to take another 2 weeks of this. It's so bad right now that I don't know how to take 2 more weeks of this. I've been down a lot over the last several months, and I've gotten it checked out--2 weeks ago, my tests came back negative, so I am not depressed nor do I have a mental health issue. What can I do to be able to stand the next 2 weeks? My own sanity is on the line...




  1. Stay away the whole day for the 2 wks but keep expressing your feelings to your parents

  2. when she says something bratty and b*tchy like that say this...

    "look i'm younger than you, i'm busy at the moment and can't drive your bratty @$$ anywhere, nor do i want too. leave me alone, and grow up"

    or do your best to ignore her. go to someone elses house, just get away from her
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