
What do I do about a Church over night?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 13. I have sort of a problem. I pee the bed. My mom makes me wear goodnites, but what if someone finds out. my youth paster is begging me to come and telling me it will be alot of fun. He is really cool and I don't want him to think badly about me. I went last year but went home and said iwas home sick because some older person came up to me and gave me a wedgie and told every one to look at my underwear. He said that I wore whity tighties. I did not want them to do that when I put my nighttime underwear on. I know the guys were just playing and I really enjoyed some of the games like hide in seek in the dark. please help!




  1. dont listen to those other boys block them out. its not about them its about your relationship with the lord and those boys are just getting in the way of it. and your in gods house. remeber god is always watching.....

  2. Well thats ok. Go anyways. If they have a problem with it tell them to shove off. Or put them on right before you go to bed. Like seriously right before you go to bed. They ain't gonna no you wear them unless they see it. Have your mom buy you some boxers or something. Like that one guy said, you can put those over top of it or something. Don't worry you will grow out of it. Good luck :)

  3. you should try and go. Don't miss out on something fun. nobody will know about the good nights. or try a poise pad... they are smaller and there is noway anyone would ever know you had it on.

  4. dont let your mom choose what underwear you wear first of all, she's not the one wearing them! get boxers by yourself! get some money!

  5. Wear your Goodnites with a pair of briefs over the top, then have a pair of boxer shorts over the top of those. Then have your normal pajamas. If they give you a problem ignore them, they can p**s off.

  6. hmmm....tell your youth pastor about your should be able to trust him....and if you want to go, then go

    EDIT: well I do have occasional accidents...but I am not an actual bedwetter so I guess if you are looking for answers from actual bedwetters...i guess that counts me out

    EDIT: lol I have ur problem now...I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 11:30 in a pile of I guess I am a bedwetter now too

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