
What do I do about a coworker who is stealing hours from the company? I've already informed my boss.?

by  |  earlier

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my boss said he is a hard worker. Two other people have informed her of the same thing.




  1. You've done all you can. The only further thing to protect yourself is to send a recorded letter to your boss detailing what is happening - with provable information.

    If your boss ignores this you have run out of options and will just have to get on with your life.

    I note your boss is "she" and the worker is "he"- is it possible they are more than friendly? That might explain her turning a blind eye - just wondering....

  2. It's not your money, who cares as long as your check will cash.

  3. This is an insult to you and every other hard worker.You now need to go to Human Resources.Good luck.

  4. You've done your duty and reported the person.  It's best now just to let management take care of it and stay out of it.

  5. You've done enough. Now what you look like is a rat.. and bosses don't like rats. Apparently the boss likes him and you've just put your foot in your mouth. Next time, think before you leap.

  6. quit

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