
What do I do about crazy future in-laws?

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Ok, so my fiance's parents and I had a really good relationship but now we don't. My fiance's mom stopped liking me forever ago and even though I try to be nice she is constantly rude to me. The only reason she doesn't like me is because I refuse to let her control me. I know I'm headed in the direction of getting more rudeness from her since my fiance and I are not telling anyone in our families when we are getting married and what is happening with the wedding. We are going to let them find out when they get the save-the-dates, just like everyone else! (Only trying to keep out the drama.) My fiance's dad has known for a long time that we were talking about getting engaged. I love my fiance's dad very much, he's very sweet, but he's also an alcoholic so he drives me a little crazy. He has constantly told people who knew we were talking about marriage that he wasn't going to marry me! And today my fiance and I went to go meet up with his dad. We told him we would be there at 10.





  1. I would just let it go.. ther eare times when i have to bite my tongue. Its very hard for me not to say something but i think of my husband first and i say to myself it would be disrespectful to my husband if i was nasty. just ignore them and do your thing that is basically waht i do. if you tell them things your only asking for themto be into everything that is why i keep to myself. Trust me the drama gets worse /

  2. try to ignore them both and try a lot harder to get along with them.

  3. You have to let it go. You have to let your man take care of things that happen with his family. Believe me this will not get better but my MIL realized I wasn't going to change or back down and has backed off a bit.

    My FIL was an alcoholic and only stopped because he was about to die because of it. Not because it was ruining his marriage and his kids respect for him. Even now he is the most selfish man I have ever met.

    I love my in laws but I had to learn how to not let what they say and do bother me. When it crosses a line my husband always takes care of it. Make sure you and your fiance are on the same page about how to handle problems with his parents before you get married.

    Good luck and CONGRATS on getting married!

  4. You are marrying into that! Be careful kiddo.

  5. Let it go.

    Let you fiance handle his own family drama and you just try to find a sense of humor about it.

    My husband I have turned out own family issues into an inside joke between us and refuse to let it make us mad.

    Rent all the family drama movies - laugh about other people's issues, drink, and move on with your life.  My personal favorite is Home for the Holidays.

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