
What do I do about maggots in my plum tree?!?

by Guest64634  |  earlier

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Ok, so I was pretty excited that my plums were finally ripe enough to eat because I have had that tree for a few years now, and the fruit is just now fully developing. Well anyways, I started to eat one, and there was a MAGGOT (ew!!!) in it! Then, I started to cut open all of the plums and there were maggots in all of them! I was soooooo disgusted! And on top of that, I have fruit flies all over my house (ew again!!!), so I am assuming that they are adult maggots. Please tell me how to get rid of the maggots (and possibly the fruit flies) without having to spend a whole lot of money!




  1. 1st off, they aren't maggots. These are worms (possibly tent worms) that are very common on fruit trees. When you have these the only way to get rid of them is to spray. Go to your farm supply, they can show ya what you need.

    The fruit flies will have to either be sprayed or you will have to get rid of the fruit that is setting out that is attracting them.

  2. Tent caterpillars do not crawl inside plums and start eating.  

    These are maggots caused by flies which lay their eggs just under the skin of the young fruits.  When they hatch, they burrow in and start to chow.  

    It's probably too late this year, but next spring you'll have to spray with something that treats fruit maggots, before the eggs have a chance to hatch.  Once the maggots are inside the fruit, the pesticide won't be able to work on them.  

    If you call your county extension office they'll be able to tell you current names of chemical sprays commercially available in your area.

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