
What do I do about my 2 1/2 y.o. constantly taking toys from the 9 month old? ?

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It always leads to the little one crying and I'd like to teach the older one not to do it. Suggestions please.




  1. Teach your 2 1/2 year old that all he needs to do to keep the 9 month old happy is give him another toy,

  2. Segregate some of their toys. Some are for the older child only, and some are for the younger child only. And the rest of the toys (should be the majority) are for sharing. Good luck!

  3. This would definitely be a situation where I'd use time-out.  What I'd do first is say, "Your brother had that toy first.  It's rude to grab from other people, you must not do that again."  If you hadn't guessed, I'm very straightforward with my daughter; I don't beat around the bush--if she's being rude, I will tell her she's being rude.  Then I'd let her pick out something else to play with.  After that, it would be time-out each and every time. I don't think it will take long for your child to "get it".

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