
What do I do about my class at school!?

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Okay i have a major problem and i am freaking out. I got in a HUGE fight with this girl at my school. she made my life a living h**l. i cried my self to sleep everynight because of her. even though she made my life miserable i have grown alot from the expeirence.. i am now my own person...wear what i want say what i wanna say...etc. anyway i found out from my friend that i have 2 classses with her. my counsler switched me out of one but i still have the other one. school starts tomorrow. i am FREAKING out!! please no mean comments i just want to know what to do... thanks soo much!




  1. live life. she shudn't be that big in your life anymore. h**l, just do u and be happy and confident. when you do that, she'll realize how much energy she wasting. and also, sure imma sophmore now but high school is only 4 years, picture yourself when you're like 22 or something. you probably won't even remember her or how many shoes you had first day. all that matters at the end of the day is if you're happy with yourself

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