
What do I do about my marriage?

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Okay this is my second marriage I married my husband now a year after my first husband left it was way to fast but i felt obligated anyways Now hes always jealous no matter what his friend in the army is home for leave and hes the joker and says gross sexual stuff as a joke and my husband says stuff well today his friend said something sexual to me and he got very upset with me for it even though all i did was laugh this is not the first time he gets jealous about everything I have a best friend who is a guy and it makes him sooo mad I used to have a lot of male friends but not anymore and he doesn't like some of my friends so now i don't talk to them. I am getting so sick of being told I am cheating all the time and that i am stupid for forgiving friends. I cook, clean and do whatever he wants all the time. I wanted a $30 mp3 player and it took me 3 months to get it but he wanted an x-box 360 and guess what 2 weeks later he hasit. it makes me sooo made my kids are finally getting child support and right away he assumed he was going to fix is car windshield without of asking. I got a little upset told him that money was for my kids and now he throws it up in my face all the time. I quit my job cause I hated it I was soo depressed and didn't have another one lined up well i get that thrown in my face too then I find a job i really want but its at night cause we didn't have daycare lined up and he told me not to take it cause he didn't want to be home alone at night and that i would be a B without any sleep. Anytime i want to do something he asks whos going to watch your kids cause I am not? but then other times hes like i help with them all the time. Hes so mean to them only occasionally does he play with them. My kids love him but all he does is play halo 3, watch tv and eat nothing else we hardly ever go out and do anything but he blames it on me and my kids. I told him lets go to the park and everything and we plan it but something always comes up and i mean him saying I don't feel like it or yeah later then later turns into bed time for my kids. but anyways I am just sick of all of it I am not saying i am a wonderful wife to him all the time but he gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it. I have tried to end the marriage and he quilts me into staying says "Why do you have to ruin everything?" when we fight he always turns it around on me saying all i do is dog on him and tell him what hes doing wrong. But he makes fun of me cause I don't like eating a lot of meat, or that i want to lose weight and stay in shape and even how i parent. I am just tired of it he says i need to lighten up and have fun with life but how can I when I just get negativity from him? sorry its sooo long but I am so sick of it!




  1. Sounds like you need to be alone for a while. Stop looking for a daddy for your kids and just take care of yourself. If you are not happy alone and with yourself no one else will ever treat you with respect. Stop complaing and blaming others for your unhappiness. It is in your control. Do something.  

  2. What a loser, I would not put up with him

  3. u definitely should learn english grammar. have u heard about punctuation?

  4. Sounds like you would be better off without this guy.Don't be afraid to make a go of it alone(child support included) there are different things open for government help if you are unmarried.Good luck.

  5. Why would you want to be with someone who treats you like c**p, treats your kids like c**p, and uses up your resources?  He won't watch the kids so that you can get a job??  You're probably depressed because of your life with him!!  Are you afraid of getting divorced again?  If so, you should just get past those feelings and move forward with your life.  If not for yourself, then for your kids.  

  6. Tell him you will no longer allow yourself to be treated in this shabby manner. He needs to realize that this is no way to treat his wife, and if he doesn't shape up, he needs to ship out. And he can only guilt you into staying if you let him. You want to end the marriage, then end it.

  7. Seriously, look at what you wrote Now, what advice would you give someone who posted the exact same thing? I highly doubt you would tell them to stay in the marriage would you? He seems VERY selfish. You also have to think of your children other than himself, this negativity affects them as well. Children pick up on these things very quickly even though we tend to think they are too young to sometimes understand. How dare him say "who's going to watch YOUR children", When he married you, he also took on the responsibility of becoming a step-father and help you in raising your children. As for the child support, that money belongs to the children, NOT him. Besides it doesn't seem like he deserves any of that money to help fix his windshield even if he has supported them so far. Like I said, he took on that responsibility the day he said "I do". I would never let a man tell me what I can do, wear, go or tell be I cannot have a career. Seems to be you would be better off without him. He seems useless anyways. You deserve WAY better. It sounds like you are a very good wife/mother and he needs to recognize that, but then again how can he if he's glued to that dam X-box!! I hate that thing, my husband is now limited to how long he can play it, or else I will destroy it, and he knows it!!

  8. I know that there are two sides to every story so i'm sure your mans blog would be just as long and brutal.  I think that the way he treats you is just unacceptable and you deserve more and so do your kids.  Your kids are very impressionable and if you have boys they will grow up to be womanizers and your girls will probably end up with a man that treats them similar.  You really need to think about your future and your happiness.  

  9. the problem is u married him be4 you could even get 2 no him! Grrl!!! there is no reason to stay with him what a lazy slob! plays video games eats all day (what is he 10) are u really attracted to him?? # 1 priority in a man or woman's life is their kids (i don't care what anyone says ur kids come first!! not husband, husband might leave u but ur kids will be with u for a long time!!) If he doesn't treat ur kids properly he needs to go (bottom line) he should never tell u what to do marriage is an agreement not a dang one person makes the decision thing. He is waaay to insecure!! who wants a man who is insecure!! that's what a woman acts like lol!!  

  10. You are depressed because of the constant stuff with him If he can not discuss this  and work out things then make plans and set things up so that you can leave.  Once you are out of the house he will seem nice again but things will go back to the way they are now.  find someone that will suport you in what you want to do.  For now if you find another single parent you might could get your night job and swap child watching you having the wake hours is a benefit to the other parent.  find someone that appreciates you.

    Ifin people are so worried about your spelling and punctuation they should read some other post cause at least yours read good.


  11. Sounds like this is not a good situation and you should get out of it, especially for your kids sake!  It is scary sometimes to think of doing that, but you have weigh the options and decide what is best for the kids, not you or him.

  12. You need to see a counselor who can help you on a one-to-one basis, to start out with. What he is doing could be classified as emotional abuse.

    If you want to save the marriage, BOTH of you have to go to a marriage counselor. But you have to convince him of that.

  13. wow


    Your job as MOTHER is to PROTECT your kids from everyone!!!!

    If he's mean to them, why do you stay with him????!!!!!!

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