
What do I do about my nervousness?

by Guest65650  |  earlier

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I get SUPER nervous before I sing in front of crowds. I don't know why. I try EVERYTHING! I practice the song over and over again, but nothing works! My knees shake uncontrollably and my breath gets labored and I s***w up the song very badly. HELP!




  1. There is no secret honey. The more experience the better. Before you sing, drink lots of water. Scrunch your toes, take really deep breaths, and let your arms hang loosely by your sides. This releases endorphines which helps your body relax.

    Please remember, that you'll make your audience feel sorry for you if your nervousness hinders with your singing. Close your eyes a little and get lost in the song. Ignore the big scary audience infront of you. Smile, walk around. These really help. Trust me.

    I just gave a speech today, and I've noticed I've done better than the last time I did it. And the last time I did it, I noticed I did it better than the last last time. It takes lots of experience. And of course, confidence ;)

    Hope that helps!


  2. you worry too much.

    What exactly makes you nervous? Is it that you think everyone is there to judge you?

    I used to get very nervous before the concerts but then I realized that hey I'm here because I'm actually good and I rock. It was then that I became known, because I let go and allowed myself to get lost in the music and my vocals started to soar

    Keep going sweet heart you are up there because people already said you are good. the judging is over, now they are there to enjoy you.Take care.

  3. Well every single performer I know gets nervous. If you don't get nervous then something is wrong with you:]

         What I did until I became a bit more comfortable singing in front of people was when I did sing I was able to "glaze my eyes over in my Mind" I have no idea if that makes any sense. But what I mean is, when I would begin singing I would pretend that there was almost a frost over my eyes so that everything was a blur. This way I could not make out anyones face and the only thing that was clear to me was my accompaniment. That really helped me out!

         If that doesn't work there is always the option of finding an empty room (if you can) and then just jumping around and being silly, or yelling if need be. This can help get out your nerves and make you feel much more relaxed.

         The most important thing though is to try to just have fun and realize no one is rooting for you to mess up. They want you to succeed and that they believe you can do it!

         I really hope this helps!

    Break a Leg!!!

  4. maybe you could do puppet theater

    you could still act & no on would see you

    They have people who preform for children at the public libraries.   For example

  5. try hypnosis.

  6. Just pretend they're not there.  Try to calm your nerves and  make eye contact with just one person you know or usually sing to, whether it's a family member or friend. Or if there's like a clock in the distance, sing to it. Don't think too much about the people. I'm sure you'll do fine. Good luck!!


  7. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I am going to go out there and sing my heart out and its going to be great!"

    I have suffered from stage fright also but, you just need to give yourself a confidence boost!

  8. Good for you for at least trying to do something about your nervousness, and for sticking to singing even though it makes you so nervous.  You just have to tell yourself that you're worth the effort.  You know the song, now the only thing standing between you and what you love - music - is nervousness.  You deserve to overcome that.  Just remind yourself that there are tons of girls who would just love to be in your shoes - to have a great voice.  You're already so far ahead of so many other people.  So don't throw that away!  You know the song, you know you're amazing.  Plus, most of the people in the crowd probably don't know you anyway.  So shock them with your talent!  It'll feel great!  Good luck!!!

  9. Try practicing and acting inside your room locked so that when somebody come inside you will not get embarrassed or you could try acting face to face with the mirror. Do that at least twice a day and when you stepped at the stage you will not get nervous. If you make a mistake and everybody laughs at you just continue what you are doing until the end nothing is wrong about that. If you are still nervous put your right leg in front so that it will be balanced. Just keep trying until you reach your dreams. Do not be afraid because nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. Good Luck!

  10. well theres this little trick that i used to do for speech class. all what you do is you line of your fingers at the tips, then sort of like bend them. at the bottom outwards, but still have the tips touching. its suppose to relieve stress.

    or like another way if you wear contacts or glasses, take them off so thats its hard to see the people and it seems like no one is there.

  11. This is weird, but I read in an article before that...

    if you blow on your thumb when you get nervous, your heart beat won't beat as fast, therefore, you won't be nervous as much either.

    it might or might not work for you so try it out! and good luck

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