
What do I do about my wife finding p**n on my internet history?

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and erasing it? She's really making me angry, my slovenly, slothlike creature of a wife, moo moo lovins'. She keeps erasing my history, and I can't find the great sites that I found before. I didn't know grandmas got naked.




  1. I was wondering where you were today!  What up Frank!

    Still a wanna-be grandmotherfuc**r I see:)  LOL

  2. Well, Good Mornin' Franco!!

    Did you ever think that she's erasing the history because you might see HER on one of your sites?  You know how she's into vegetality.  Come on, you remember those English cucumbers............

  3. Moo moo lovins just wants to show you that she can get naked like the grandma's but she wants to surprise you with some super cool moves. She is only doing it so she can show you what she is made of. She realises after all these years that p**n is a man's thing and she wants to show you a piece of her action. I think that you should talk to her after she does what she is going to do for you.

    Better yet, maybe Moo moo lovins needs a computer of her own. It is defiantley worth looking into.  

  4. LOL Frank!!! Love the new name... Why not write them down or add them to your favorites??

  5. Well Good Morning Frank!  Haven't seen you on here lately...thought maybe you and Moo Moo Lovins' stayed under the sheets yesterday!

    Maybe you wouldn't have to worry about Moo Moo finding & erasing your sites if you would just spend more time taking care of her needs rather than surfing the net...just a suggestion!

    You know, maybe Moo Moo is erasing the history because she doesn't want you to know that she has been on the Chubby Chasers sites while your away from home with your mistresses.  What do you think????

  6. LMAO!  My Grandma is a wild one!!!

  7. I'm glad shes deleting your history=]

    she wants you to only m********e to her........and only look at her..

  8. I wish you would stop with your made up stories. It is all getting so boreing now.  

  9. Morning Frank.

    I actually agree with Serenity on this one.  I think moo moo needs a little taste of her own medicine.  Find her stash of twinkies and ho hos, eat a couple of the boxes and throw the rest of them away.  Whenever I've been over, she's kept the stash behind the night stand...and behind the head board...and in the corner of the closet under her shoes...and one box between the matresses (nothing like a pancake shaped twinkie, btw)...and i think that might be all of the hiding places...

    OH YEAH, she's usually got some swiss rolls hidden in the 5th back fat roll from the top.  tough to get to, but warm and melty...yum.

  10. mornin' Frank!  what's crackalackin'?

  11. put a password on your computer so she cant do that.

    LMAO: Mammal

  12. I wish she would write a question on Yahoo answers so I could let her know what she should do to you!  p**n isn't so bad - it's the other c**p you're a pig.

  13. You need help friend.

  14. you need to respect your wife, if she hates that you are watching p**n, then u need 2 respect that and just stop, u wouldn't like it if she went out there and cheated on you now would u?

  15. maybe you should hide the fridge with all of her food in it then she will truely know what kind of a loss you have suffered.............

  16. Next time you catch her, you can smash her in her fat face with the keyboard.  That will teach that meddling C.

  17. There is nothing hotter than naked grannies with farm animals.  Your wife is so selfish.

    It just dawned on me...If your wife is such a cow, maybe she is afraid of you finding her on those websites with the naked grannies.  s***k.

  18. (cracking UP) you need to save your sites in the "favorites"  department?

    You better be careful - I fear the damage that Moo Moo Lovins could do if she were to stomp on you!

  19. What a witch your sloth like wife is! She deserves to be taken out and shot. How dare she invade your privacy and erase your information! The gall of her! I think you need to think seriously about giving her a taste of her own medicine and see how she likes it when her privacy is invaded. How dare she think marriage entitles her to any consideration or involvement in your life. What a total witch.  


  21. if you want to keep the marriage, apologize and talk to her.

    if you want otherwise, divorce, watch all p**n you want, and be miserable for the rest of your pathetic life!!!

  22. download it to a floppy disc before she gets to it..

    wow, i dont know why im giving you advice to saving p**n, but i think it might be the whole granny got naked thing that made me laugh.. HAHAHA

  23. Write down your favorite sites,  and hide the list  where she can't find it.

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