
What do I do about pain during intercourse?

by Guest45302  |  earlier

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I am feeling increasing pain during intercourse. At first it was just a little, but now it hurts more and more to the point where I can't stand it. I tried different positions, but I can't stand the pain. I also seem to have trouble having an o****m. I have one when I m********e easily, but when my partner stimulates me, I can't get one no matter how much I am stimulated.

I think the pain is the most significant part.

What should I do?




  1. The exact same thing happened to me. It felt like the first time everytime. I asked my gyno and, after a pelvic, she said there was nothing wrong with me. Def go to a gyno just to rule out anything. But here's what she told me. It's basically a vishious cycle. I remember it hurt the time before so i tensed up and it hurt the next time. I also remembered the only it hadn't hurt was when I was drunk one night, the last time before I saw my doctor.

    She also told me to get a good lube. KY isn't water based, you need to find a water based lube, like astrolube, very good stuff

    You need to do a lot of foreplay, preferably get off yourself and then just go and dont think about the pain. the first time it doesnt hurt the better you will feel the next time.  

  2. If you have been having an increased pain during your period, look up symptoms of endometriosis. I have it, it's a pain literally and it makes s*x very painful.

  3. find somebody with a smaller p***s.

  4. See a  doctor to rule out medical problems. Increasing pain or pressure during s*x inhibiting pleasure may be medically induced. Always rule out physical problems first. Link below may be helpful. Good Luck!

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