
What do I do about severe menstral cramping?

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I finally got my cycle after 4 months, and it hurts extremely bad. I have taken midol, and motrin 800 mg, still doesn't help. I cant stop crying, and the pain is making me dizzy, and nauseous. Any suggestions? I would rate the pain a 10+. Please help!!




  1. Wow after 4 months huh? That's probably why it hurts so bad; I had that happen on some of mine.

    Are you sure you're not having a miscarriage? Be certain that you weren't pregnant, because after 4 months - and with pain that severe - that sounds like what happened to me when I had one. But I hope not!

    If it IS just your period and nothing else, you may think I'm nuts but try working out. It really helps me a lot when I get bad cramps. Even if it's just walking. Stretches and things like that are really good for cramps for some reason. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. i had the same problem and i went to my doctor and they put me on birth control it helps a lot

  3. Severe period pains should always be investigated to check for a treatable cause. As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.

    There are exceptions to this. Conditions such as endometriosis can sometimes cause severe pain from an early age (although the pain typically gets worse as the disease does more damage with each monthly cycle). Other causes include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and sometimes a narrowing of the cervix. Bear in mind, though, that period pains are rarely a sign of disease, especially in younger women.

    If the pain interferes with your life, preventing you from working, going to school or coping with daily tasks, I would recommend you consult with a doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation.

    Good luck :)

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