
What do I do about sharing my faith?

by Guest66333  |  earlier

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I bet if I said, "I'm a liberal democrat and I want everyone to have abortions, should I be obnoxious about it?" a lot of you would have responded differently.

No one asks you to listen to those who choose to share their beliefs... If you hate it, then you should be the ones to keep it to yourselves.

I want boldness. I don't want to "keep it to myself" because that's not what I am called to do. I'm surprised at the amount of c**p answers I received.

Thank you for those that encouraged me and who I assume sometimes face the same problems. God bless.




  1. Living your faith can be a better lesson to people than preaching to them.  

  2. Just live your life and be a good person. Maybe even go the extra mile sometimes. If you are attractive enough in how you treat people, they will want to know what you are about.

    Speaking for myself, that would be much more of a draw than someone lecturing me about sky daddy out of nowhere. I still won't believe any of it, but at least I'll give you credit for making it work for yourself in a good way.  

  3. It comes with just doing it. And it helps if you know what you're talking about. Therefore, I hope that you are in the Word everyday and praying for wisdom.

    As far as sharing your faith, I have found is an extremely helpful resource. It has made me bolder and has taught me that you don't have to argue with people.

    Also, there is no better testimony than the life that you live. Live a life centered on Christ and it will speak volumes to people.

  4. Do everybody a blessing by keeping it to your self.  

  5. Be bold! You might not be the most popular person around, but no one can fault you for doing what you believe is right.

    Society tries to be all about personal choice, so it's our personal choice as Christians to share our faith.

    You don't need to be all overly giddy and obnoxious about it, but let people know where you stand. Don't act stuck up or too good, but just accept people for who they are... Don't look down on them for their sin, but don't encourage it or conform to it, either.

    Let people know you're open to sharing your faith, but don't force it down their throats.

    I'll be praying for you!  

  6. :sigh:

    Ok, take everything i say with an absolute grain of salt.  I am not a Christian, i am not a believer.

    But it all depends on how you define sharing your faith.   If it means to go about talking about what you believe in, that's fine.   We all have both the right and privilege to express our viewpoints.

    But if you mean sharing your faith in a way that tramples over the views and choices of other people - i would have to say that's the type of behavior that would not only lose your friends but also perhaps dishonor the memory of those who have gone before you.

    I'm not biblical scholar, but there's a striking passage i remember about the man whom you believe to be a God.  He once stated that if no one was willing to listen, "shake the dust from your sandals and move on."  

    I always took that to mean that the message he was trying to spread should only be discussed about to those who are willing to listen.  If not, let there be no controversy.

  7. Find people with similar beliefs, and then discuss it with them, or find people who wish to discuss their faith and then have an open discussion with them.  Just don't force it onto other people, and remember, if you share your faith with them and they listen; you should be prepared to return that courtesy.

  8. refrain

  9. This place has awesome help.

  10. You can set an example without saying anything.

  11. Listen to my words and understand, if you beat some one with the bible you'll only find the controlling demons in their life's and be confronted by them.   But if you witness to someone of what God has done for you how he revealed him self to you in a similar circumstance than you can always direct them back to scriptures where God did the same for others because its full of testimonies of what happens when or when you don't follow God.

    PS Than let them read the scripture them selves, something happens when they speak the words, if God did it for them back than and is still doing it now he'll do it again because he loves you.

    The bible tells us that Jesus is our provider and wants to open his hand wide pouring out blessing on us that we can't contain.

    If you'll only reach out to him and allow him in your life take this bible and read it there is a calender in the back of most that they can read the bible in a years time.   If what I witnessed to you is true and scriptural than so is every thing else in it, read it and let God reveal him self to you as the God you need.  

    tell them to hi lite the scriptures that mean the most to you and also mark the ones you don't understand and let God reveal his word to you.   Tell the person that your really excited about the journey that they are embarking on, let them know that they can contact you about other witness that you have how God revealed him self to you in other instances and walk away....................

  12. -  1- only do so if the other person is interested.

    2- Do not get offended by reasonable and intelligent Qs

    3- By all means believe in yr faith but do not come across as being just bigoted, fanatic and unreasonable

    It is possible to have enjoyable long conversations without agreeing or dis agreeing with many people.

    I can talk and enjoy such conversation but I am very careful who I engage with.

  13. First of all------you don't get in someones face.  That will only turn them off and no one gets no place. State how you feel and if asked, you can tell why maybe.If you conform to the world, are you pleasing God?  In order to be a Christian and share the word you need to live it.  how can you lead anyone to Christ if you are only lukewarm?  Doesn't it say in the Bible that if you're lukewarm that God will spew you from His mouth ? I am not judging you nor condemning you.  I'm only asking you to think for yourself and read the Bible. It will teach you a great deal.May God Bless you and guide you.

  14. You don't have to be "that person" who is in everyone's face just to be Christian! I am so tired of people saying that Christians have to go around getting in everyone's business, because they don't have to. People of every religion should ignore what other people are doing, as long as that other person isn't hurting anyone else.

    In fact, you should never be getting in people's faces. You can stand up for your beliefs and that's fine, but don't start pushing them on people who haven't asked. It is rude.

    EDIT: Well well, aren't we assuming tonight! You want to go around acting like you're so much better than everyone because your religion *must* be the right one, eh? That accepting Christian love sure shows with you *snicker* I'm glad Christians for the most part aren't like you.

    And as for standing up for liberal people who say you should be allowed to do what you want with you OWN BODY I agree with that. NO ONE as the right to tell anyone to do anything with their bodies. Sorry, human rights. Until it has a mind of it's own to think, feel, and feel pain, it's part of my body. Case closed.  

    It sucks that by being like you are, you're making all Christians look bad. I know for a fact that all Christians aren't like you.

  15. I don't know what your problem is, but I thought you got a range of very thoughtful, considered and non-abusive answers. I was surprised at how nice most of the responses were. If you've obviously made your mind up that you want to obnoxiously shove your faith in other people's faces, then why ask the question? Go, do what you like.  

  16. Yes, refrain. Seek education instead.

  17. It's very hard to be "that person."

    Especially if someone is well versed and come to their conclusion after a lot of thinking/experience. There is nothing that you can say, imo, that will change their thinking just by professing your faith.

    Share your faith by the person you are. If you offer someone chocolate and they like it you won't need to win anyone to yourside, the chocolate speaks for itself, and hopefully you'll speak for yourself through your actions.

    If someone seems receptive and you want to tell them what makes you happy, go ahead and share it. I'm sure a good friend would want you to share what makes you happy.

    Never do anything out of fear. Don't ever convert someone out of fear.

    Love, hopefully, wins out in the long run anyway. And if it doesn't, this shouldn't be a world anyone should want to be a part of.

  18. There is a way to say what you believe without shoving it onto people. Basically, if you don't get mad when people disagree and if you don't insult people because they believe differently, you're probably good to go.

    I think you should just be as tolerant of others' beliefs as you would like them to be.

    Just know that there will always be someone who will try to insult you because of what you believe. Always be the bigger person.

  19. You can live your religion without being in any ones face.  You are not yourself, lister to your conscious.

  20. Religion should be kept to yourself.

  21. Much like a stinky f**t, keep it to yourself or go outside.

  22. You should stop trying to "stand up" when noone wants to listen

  23. Please don't. I'm not even trying to be rude here.

    If you really must share your faith, lead by example. Let it be known what you believe if asked, but what is more important is to be an upstanding person who exemplifies the greatest aspects of your belief system.

  24. Your biggest witness is your lifestyle. many times I do not say anything to people until they notice how I may handle a situation differently or how I do not drink/smoke/whatever... then they ask "how do you do it?" and I have an open door. I am not an "in your face" person yet God is still able to use my personality to accomplish what He wants.

  25. i know how you feel cause i used to be the same way. But what you need to do is read the Bible and pray everyday. If anything make sure you fit time in your schedule to do those things. And you really need to stand up for your faith because then "the light" will shine through you and maybe your friends will start going to church with you.

  26. I personally believe how we live our life is one of the greatest testimonies we can give.

    I have had people ask how can you smile when they are being mean to you, how do you stay strong.  I told that person, I have God.  I am a Christian, that is where I get my strength.

    I do not believe getting in anyone's face.  Jesus told us to wipe our sandals off as we leave a town that rejects the teaching of His word.

    It is not up to us to change a hardened heart, it is God.  We plant the seed.  And as the Bible says depending on the ground it lands, the destiny of that seed is different.

    And lastly as a used to be people pleaser, just stop.  Just know you have no one to please but God.

  27. My advice is don't do it.

  28. well, you don't need to constantly be in people's faces, but there is nothing wrong with defending what you believe.

    If your "friends" have a problem with what you believe, than they probably aren't real friends to begin with...

    if you want to share your faith with people, just be a good person, lead by example, don't try to shove it down people's throats...

  29. What do you do about sharing your faith? Don't. That simple.

    Your faith is your faith, and yours only. It's great that you found what fits you, but you have no place trying to make it fit other people. If people come to you with questions, fine. If they don't, then leave them alone.

    You have every right to share your belief, but, by the same token, everyone else has a right to not hear it.


    As to the notes in your "Additional Details"...

    c**p answers? You're not "called" to do anything. You purely, simply do not have ANY right to submit others to your faith. If you don't want to keep it to yourself, like I said, talk to those who ask, and to those who share your belief. When all others are concerned, keep quiet.

    You know how much you like it when Muslims, atheists, pagans keep telling you about how you should believe and follow Allah, reality, Mana? Everyone else likes it about as much when you do it, and all you accomplish is pissing people off and making yourself look foolish.

    Sorry, but it's true. Your faith is your business, and we want to keep it that way.

    Keep it to yourself, or speak about it with like minded people. Don't annoy others with it.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  30. Belief has attained the level of faith when it motivates life and shapes the mode of living. The acceptance of a teaching as true is not faith; that is mere belief. Neither is certainty nor conviction faith. A state of mind attains to faith levels only when it actually dominates the mode of living. Faith is a living attribute of genuine personal religious experience. One believes truth, admires beauty, and reverences goodness, but does not worship them; such an attitude of saving faith is centered on God alone, who is all of these personified and infinitely more.

    Belief is always limiting and binding; faith is expanding and releasing. Belief fixates, faith liberates. But living religious faith is more than the association of noble beliefs; it is more than an exalted system of philosophy; it is a living experience concerned with spiritual meanings, divine ideals, and supreme values; it is God-knowing and man-serving. Beliefs may become group possessions, but faith must be personal. Theologic beliefs can be suggested to a group, but faith can rise up only in the heart of the individual religionist.

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