
What do I do about the report cards coming out?

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I'd be willing to do ANYTHING to distract them from it. even a little bit.

With all seriousness.If anyone knows any way that I can spend a few nights in the hospital without dying. It would be greatly appreciated.

They think ive been skipping class because the school has a ridiculous attendance policy. Ive only skipped like 3 times for nessicary reasons.

But because of the school its more like 12. and they dont believe me anymore.

My grades are horrible and ive realized that its my fault and i should own up to it.

But its just those two hours of yelling that im dreading and could live without.

Help please?




  1. Maybe you should stop messing around, accept the consequences of slacking off and get your act together.

  2. 2 hours sounds like you are getting off easy, study like crazy for your finals every little bit helps try to be helpful around the house, clean stuff and look like you are studying....

  3. Why are you in the hospital. Talk to you parents and tell them what is going on that is leading you to skip classes. It better be a good reason though. They will try to understand, and if not promise that you will try harder (that means you will attend classes and try to get better grades), do not lie to them. Try honesty and see where it gets you. At least they will know you are telling the truth instead of lying to their face. Once they have established that they might even yell at you a little less or try to work things out with you. Good Luck!

  4. Can you think of some things you can do to really demonstrate that you realize you made some big mistakes and make up for them.  You need to take control of the situation, don't wait for it to come to you.  Figure out what you are going to do and say, then sit down with your parents before your report card comes and tell them that it's bad, you're sorry, you messed up, and you are going to : I don't know, go to summer school?  Is there any way you can sit down with a guidance counselor at school and work together to make an action plan for improving the situation?  You need to show you are serious about doing better, *AND* you need to actually *be* serious about doing better. And try to stay away from saying it's not your fault, even if it isn't your fault.  If they're already mad that will not go over well.

  5. running away from your problems wont solve anything and i learned that the hard way because either way it will affect you in the future. acceptence is the first step to take. accept that you did bad and accept the punishment of your parents and promise yourself you will do good next year

  6. i dont feel sorry for pretty sure the schools policy is ridiculous in your opinion (God forbid you go and get an education...) you say "because of the school its more like 12 times"...dont blame the school cause you are just to lazy to go to class...if i was your parent you might just wanna move out of the country cause if you were lucky you may see the light of day again by the time your of legal age...

  7. why would they say you wern't there if you were?

    I think you need to suck it up and take the punishment

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