
What do I do about these Migranes?

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I suffer from migranes and the over the counter medicine dosn't work. I had a migrane yesterday and then I got another one in the same day. Then this morning I woke up with the same one from yesterday then I got another one. So I had 3 at the same time. I can feel another one comming on now.

What can I do to ease the pain before I go to the doctor?




  1. I've been suffering migraines for the past 6 years.

    I've been on medicine after medicine. Pretty much I was my doctors guinea pig for migraine meds. I saw several doctors and specialists. No one could give me a real answer. Tonnes of blood work and different tests and months of pure h**l wondering if I actually had something way worse.

    I still don't know why I get them but I've noticed certain foods trigger them, also too much or too little of sleep will give me one.

    Dairy products can make them worse.

    Change your diet and get the proper amount of sleep you need.

    Massage your back between your shoulder blades and that will help the migraine to decrease in pain. Sometimes head massages work but they can also make it worse.

    The only OTC med that works for me is Motrin extra strength except that sometimes it makes me fall asleep which doesn't help me at all when I'm at work or in class. I also can't skip class because college is way too expensive and a class missed is not a good idea. I've just had to learn to live with them and you may need to do the same.

  2. I really feel for you, as I've had migraines as well.  They are awful!

    Among the non-prescription remedies, are Feverfew in the vitamin section, and Exedrin Migraine, but if you really want to get to the source and be rid of the migraine within 30 minutes, have the doctor prescribe Imitrex.  It is really the only medication that worked for me when I experienced migraine headaches.

    Knock on wood- haven't had one in years.  

    Good luck!

  3. drink caffeine like coffee or take something that has that in it  

  4. You should maybe get checked out...if the migranes presist and are out of the ordinary, you shouldn't ignore any kind of consistant really bad headaches. Not to scare you and maybe i watch too much 'House' but headaches that don't go away could be a sign of a did me I had a pitutary benign tumor that was removed over a yr ago but it all started with a headache and consistant really bad migranes.  

  5. Fundamentally, you can give a patient soul-searching to find if you have been irritated/angered by something in life? Also unwanted urgencies may be triggering such attacks.

    Peace unto you asap!

  6. Have you tried Excederin Migrane?  It is the only thing over the counter that works for me.  Good luck!

  7. Wow.  Sorry to hear this.  Are you managing your migranes through meds?  diet?  

    Some people have relief from migranes when they move to a different altitude.  Please do research on how diet affects migranes.  Try to detox.  Make sure you use a detox that will clean your blood stream.  Blood is carried to all parts of the body (brain).  This is the detox I use.

  8. For migraines, there is an herb called Feverfew that you can take.  You take it three times daily, and can take up to three pills at a time.  While it's not as effective at treating migraines once they come on (it only takes the edge off), it can help prevent migraines if taken regularly.  I highly recommend it.

  9. Advil Migraine is what's working for me.  I got one so bad I lost the sight in my left eye for about 2 mins.  Very scary.  The doc gave me Imitrex but the side effects are daunting to say the least (affects heart permanently).  Cold compresses usually help, but takes a while.  Tylenol does nothing, but use to help so think you can take too much and become immune to it.

    I've heard excedrin migraine works well too.  Usually if you can vomit, it helps somehow.  Fever few is said to work well and lower the severity.  I certainly feel for you; they really really hurt.

  10. me and my dad have HORRiBLE migranes. tylenol works THE best. maybe go to a doctor. my mom did before and they gave her a shot to take the migrane away. it was only ment to take the horrible head ache she had away BUT she hasn't had one since. :] hope i helped yuh;...

  11. try asprin

    it helps

  12. Ibroprofen (Advil) is the best; it is OTC is some countries.

    See your doctor.  There are prescription meds that you take daily for prevention and others that you take when you feel the headache coming on.  You need to identify your triggers and try to avoid them.  For many people it is weather change and unavoidable.

  13. Apple cider vinegar every day is supposed to help.  You can find further information in a web search for "apple cider vinegar" + migraines.  

  14. If you drink 2 bottles of Gatoraide your headache will go away, no kidding this really works. I know this is a lot to drink at one time, but its better than suffering from a headache.

  15. hello,

    I don't know in which country you are living. If Homeopathic treatment is available then for sure you will get permanant cure. Really if it is repeatitive periodically, aura and sometimes vomitings etc. are there then Homeo is the best bet.

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