
What do I do about this dogs oweners if they want him back?

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My husband and I had a dog (Great Pyrenees) that has been staying around our house. He's our neighbors dog. He's got the mange and has lost almost all of his hair and they haven't been feeding him. I think they have abandon him. He wouldn't leave. We tried to run him off. When we confronted the owner he said bring him home so we did and he was back before my husband got back to the house. So to keep our dogs from getting the mange we took him to the vet and we've been taking care of him. We would like to keep him he's a wonderful dog and we have both gotten attached. We both know when the dog gets better the owner will want him back. What should we do? They weren't feeding him or anything and they have other dogs with the same problem but they won't come anywhere near us.




  1. Unfortunately, depending on the laws in your city/county, they may have every right to take the dog back.  Pets are callously looked at as property byt the law.

    Typically, the proper way to deal with this would be to go through animal control so that they can document the neglect and abuse.  

    However, because they neglected and abused the dog and you started caring for it, you may have some legal rights.  

    Best bet is to call animal control and get these other dogs out of their care as well.  Explain to a.c. what has happened so far.  You never know, a.c. may be able to get them to sign away their rights on this dog so that they don't have to repay you vet bills.

  2. Annemarie,

    Thank you for caring for him and giving him the attention he deserves.  

    You could write up a bill of sale, with $100 as the price and tell them you'd like to buy the dog for $100.  See what they counter with.  Tell the owner that, since the dog keeps coming over to your place, you'd like to buy him.  Don't go into details with the owner.  You might want to get the vet to write up an evaluation of the dogs condition when the vet first saw it and that this dog appears to be suffering from neglect and/or abuse.  If you show them that and offer to buy the dog for $100. they might decide to sell the dog to you.  If they want more money, they have to pay the vet bill.

    Or try what Luvenlife suggested.  Of course, since you authorized the vet care, you are responsible for the bill, but they may be too dumb to know that.  

    If that doesn't work, you could try talking to animal control or a local rescue group to find out what the regulations are in your area.  

    If you want to talk to other pyr owners who, if you give them your city,state might have added knowledge that can help you, then join the Yahoo Pyr group below -!-

  3. The best thing to do if you have the neighbors permission to keep it is to make up something that will document that you now have ownership. Make up something on your computer that is a list like :


    Markings: __________

    etc. - fill that out yourself (specifically) to note him from any other dog. Then add things to the list like:


    Age: _____________

    Neutered/ spayed: Y or N

    ect. Like a brief medical history report. Then at the bottom add: Current owner: _____________ (fill in your name)

    Signature: ________________(sign it)

    Located at: ________________ (your address)

    Previous owner: ____________ (fill in his name)

    Signature (leave it BLANK)

    __________________________ His address

    Transfered ownership on: ____/____/____ (whatever date he gave him to you)

    Reason: Adopted by neighbor for care (don't be to detailed)

    THEN - Go by his house - without the dog - try to be very causal

    I took x*x to the vet and they wanted to keep him overnight to do some blood work. You have introduced a "vet bill" in his mind. Make up a silly excuse like "my vet wanted to know about his background before he treats him - do you have any records or know about his history? He gave me this form to fill out"  Then VERY casually pull out the form from your purse, etc. Then ask him a few of the simple question like when was his last checkup, has he had vaccinations, etc.

    He will probably realize he was neglecting him and try to avoid answering. Then say okay and act like you are going to wallk away - but pause and look puzzled at the paper and say "oh - it needs a signature, sorry I dind't see that" there you go - transfer of ouwnership> If he disputes in anwy way - just say okay, you can pick him up from the vet in the morning and pay the bill. I have to warn you though i told them you gave him to me and they were very upset at his neglected condition and may report you if I don't return this form.

  4. you should report this guy to animal control. and let them know that you and your husband have taken him to the vet and giving him the care that he needs. also since they have other dogs i would take pictures of them to show the animal control people that the dogs are not being taken care of. and they should help you and your husband to keep the dog. good luck

  5. Just go to their home (don't bring the dog) and ask if they want to pay you for the veterinary treatments or would they rather give you the dog?  You might get the dog that way.  You could also just keep him as long as they don't come looking for him.

  6. It seems that the dog has been abused a lot. You should report the abuse and tell them that you would like to keep him and you have clearly taken good care of him. Your neighbor will probably go to jail for awhile, and given a fine. Also, check if the dog has a license (tag). If it doesn't, that means they don't really own the dog. Animal control will probably take the dog then, since the dog is abused AND unlicensed. Well, I'm not sure if there are licenses in where you live.

  7. If you call animal control, they will give the dog back to the owners.  You could try to get your neighbor to pay for the money you have spent on the vets, but I doubt they will.  You might be able to get them on the not feeding issue.  Most places have laws that state you have to provide food, water, and shelter to a dog.  You don't have to love it though, there isn't a law for that.  So if you could prove they are not feeding it, then the police are forced to help you.  My neighbors dogs ribs were showing and you could see that from the street, so the police had to do something to help the dogs because they could see the ribs, so it wasn't like I was picking on these people.  Good luck

  8. I am sure the dog will right back to yours if they tried to keep him so really no worries; also prepare some paperwork for your neighbours now transferring ownership with immediate effect.

  9. Talk to your neighbors and ask them if they want the dog.  Let them know that you are interested in keeping him.  If they refuse there isn't much you can do.

    If you feel the dog is being neglected, you can make an anonymous call to animal control and report it.

  10. First you should see if you can come to a peaceful situation (these are yuor neighbors and probably will be for a long time).  Ask if you can have the dog.  Say your dogs have enjoyed playing with their dog and if the dog is going to keep getting into you yard you may as well take care of it.  If that doesn't work, consider what you would be willing to pay for the dog and offer them part of that.  Also, ask if they have shot records and such.  I would do all this before they realize you've taken the dog to the vet.

    After this point you may want to send them the vet bills.

    If they truly aren't taking care of their animals you can always call an animal rescue group or humane society.  They may have better options for you.  I would do this a a LAST resort though, b/c ticked off neighbors are NOT fun.  If they can't keep their dog in their yard they are liable for exposing your animals to anything that dog may have.

    Of course you can take legal action as well, but this is not pretty for anyone and you may wind up with a spray painted garage and holes in your fence.

    Please try to take care of it in a friendly way first, but you have to keep your own pets safe.  

    Good Luck!!!

  11. The only thing you can do is report the abuse.  If the dogs are taken, you can mention that you'd like the one, and you will get special consideration as you are the one who reported the abuse.

  12. Have them sign a document stating that they are giving you ownership of their dog.

  13. You could present them the vet bill for treating the mange, but unfortunantly that may not hold up in court, as you took it upon yourself to treat the dog.

    What you should have done from the start was to call animal control and have them take the dog.  The owners will either pay to get the dog, or they will neglect to pick the dog up and then you can legally adopt the dog from there.

    Unfortunantly, its still their dog.. refusing to give them back the dog is considered theft.  If they are neglecting or abusing the dog, its best to leave it to the authorities rather than to take it upon yourself and "claim" the dog as yours.

    You could try offering the neighbor some money for the dog.

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