
What do I do about this surrogate?

by Guest62647  |  earlier

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Ok I found this surrogate only I am having a few bad vibes. for one she wont call or return emails and text messages. and when I told her we were in her town could she meet up with us she never returned the call or text. do i find another surrogate or just wait a bit longer on this one? Any and all advice will be helpful.If anybody is looking to do a surrogacy we are looking for a ts that isnt doing for the money side but to help a infertile couple have a child.




  1. I would find someone else, you want one that you can have an open communication with that will keep in close contact with you at all times.  The more of a bond you have with the surrogate the better really.  The surrogate doesn't sound very dependable or trustworthy right now so it would be best to just move on.  

  2. Yes I hate 'game playing' too and you don't want to be at it for the next 9 months. Communication, as you said, is vitally important. What if she was holding back important information from you, like a medical condition or addiction. Make sure you get legal representation as you draw up the contracts, OK? Good luck!!!

  3. i would trust your instincts and her actions...she is not reliable and can you imagine if she began shutting you out when your baby was inside her! please continue your search for a lady who will allow you enjoy the experience and share in your joy, keep looking, good luck!

  4. I'm sorry to hear the the surrogate is not returning your call or messages. I'd say DITCH this women and look for another. I strongly believe that you should feel 100% comfortable with her! What if she does get pregnant and doesn't return your calls when you want an update... even worse... when she goes into labor.

    Again, drop this woman and get another one.

  5. i would not trust her any bad vibe and i would be out of there..the world is so sick these days and that is just weird..and what if it does not get better she will be 4 months pregnant with your baby and you'd never get a chance to see how it was going..i could be wrong but that is my opinion and advise . . . find another surrogate for you baby to live in! i hope this helps and good luck i really hope everything goes right for you!

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