
What do I do about toddler screaming?

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I mean when does it ever end. I can be in the kitchen cleaning he's in his bedroom at the opposite end of the house and it never fails he will holler at me many times. If I respond he responds by yelling things that I completely don't understand. If I ignore him he keeps on, what do you do about the screaming toddler that simply has an issue communicating. Oh and lately the screaming has gotten worse as well. When I say the slightest no or whatever no matter how nice I am he screams and loud, loud enough that I get a headache every time. I mean when does this end. At what age do they become little darlings again? Is there anything that can be done about the constant screaming?




  1. You are making the mistake of responding to the screaming, so he knows if he screams for long enough you will respond.

    When he screams, say "mummy doesn't listen to screaming, she listens to asking nicely" or something along those lines.  Then blank him, no eye contact, no words, nothing.  When he asks the way you want him to, then act really pleased with him and give a big response.

    You just have to keep waiting it out until he gives up screaming.  It will be a battle of who can last out the longest because he is so used to it working if he carries on long enough.  But stick to your guns.

  2. Ignore it.  It will take about 5 days, but he'll get the drift.  When he comes into the room to see why you aren't responding, just say, Mommy doesn't talk to people who yell at her.  Say this maybe twice and let him continue.  Sometimes this is the only way.

  3. sounds like a typical toddler to me. try your best to stay calm and tell him that he has to talk like a big boy if he wants mommy to get what he wants. when he throws a tantrum put him in time out and tell him he can get up when he know how to behave.

  4. Child needs restrictions.  A time out chair is the way to handle it.

    Sit him in the chair. You may have to pick him up and put him back many times.  It will be worth the effort. Explain in a soft voice that screaming at mommy is not nice.  Stick with it and within a week he will learn acceptable behavior.

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