
What do I do become a Marine Biologist?

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I am a 15 year old Jr. in high school and I don’t have good grades, but I am turning over a new leaf. I want to become a Marine Biologist. I always loved the sea and all the little and big things in it, so I thought why not study it, make it a major part of my life. But I have not a clue where to start.




  1. How about starting here:

    Gives you information about Marine Biology and what you can expect/ what is expected of you when following that career path, they have a specific section on education and careers as well so make sure you check that out.

    There also the brilliant Planktonforums,

    which are the associated forums where you can meet other marine biology students, enthusiasts and people already working in the field and discuss any topics you are specifically interested in and ask questions about anything.

    Good grades are definitely a good place to start, marine biology is quite competitive and you will need a foundation of science knowledge. You should preferably be doing several sciences, not only biology and some maths and computer skills don't hurt either.

    Grades aren't the only thing that matters though, experience is often even more important so try and start volunteering at aquariums, zoos, rescue centres, museums....anything to do with Natural History will usually do.

    Also look up NOSB,

    The National Ocean Science Bowl (NOSB)  'brings together teams of high school students from around the United States in a round-robin marine science quiz-bowl-style competition' and ' is intended to increase knowledge of the oceans on the part of high school students, their teachers and parents, as well as to raise the visibility and public understanding of the national investment in ocean-related research. '

    If your school does not have it's own team, why not try to start your own.

    Other relevant questions/answer on yahoo:

  2. for marine biology generally you need a degree so knuckling down on your science classes and maths is a good starting point. get extra curricular experience try volunteering at your local aquarium or even doing beach clean ups, these things look really good on your cv.

    look into local conservation organisations and see if they would like any extra help... believe me what you do outside the classroom is just as important as what you do in it.

  3. The first thing you must do is to get really good grades in high school.  You will need these when you apply for college entrance.  Look for colleges on the coasts that offer degrees in marine biology.

  4. Start by pulling up your grades. Go talk to your career councilor at school for advise. Mine gave me advise on places to volunteer, colleges, and jobs.

    Some things you can do are:

    *volunteer at a Aquarium/Marine Center, Marine animal rehab, zoo, etc

    *see about shadowing a job

    *Attend marine camp, classes, or clinics

    *Read books, websites, magazines, watch related television programs or educational films

    See the Y!As below for info about marine biologists, camps, colleges, etc.

    Good Luck.;...

    What can i do now?

    im 13 now and i know that i want to go into either business or being a vet, or maybe a marine biologist. i know what i can do when im 16, but are there any things i can be doing NOW to help me prepare? thanks.;...

    How do i become a marine biologist?;...

    Marine Biology help, please

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