
What do I do for a possible bladder infection?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to see a doctor, and I'm pretty sure I have a mild bladder infection, because my bladder burns, it feels like there's pressure on it, and it stings really really bad when I am just finishing off a pee. The funny thing is, as the day is going on, the stinging is not as bad. A friend of mine told me to drink as much cranberry juice as possible to flush out the infection. What should I do? Does this sound like a bladder infection? Thanks for your help!




  1. You poor girl. Ok so a UTI is a urinary tract infection...and holy c**p they hurt so bad (I got one last year, worst experience of my life). They are not contagious...they are caused by not drinking enough water, not wiping well enough after you pee...not peeing after s*x...lots of things. I don't think it has anything to do with ecoli. First of all, sorry, but you need to go to the doctor. Seriously, because it is an infection, and even though there are home remedies to make it feel better (which I will tell you in a second) it is still an infection and you need to go get a prescribed antibiotic to get rid of it completely. If you do not go, it could get worse and get into your blood and make you much much sicker than you already are. So...AFTER you go to the doctor....on your way home...stop by the store and get some cranberry juice, and some plain ole vanilla yogurt (eat a lot of 3 or 4 before bed). Along with taking your meds, the yogurt and the cranberry juice will help a lot. Go to the doctor.

  2. yeaahh drink lots of cranberry juicee :]]

    butt you should thinkk twice about going to a doctorrr

  3. Water and cranberry juice are always good for your urinary tract.  It does sound like it could be a urinary tract infection.  Eat some yogurt just in case its a bad yeast infection.  If you don't get better after a week or so, please go see your family doc.  Take care.

  4. You should ALWAYS consult a doctor if you think you have any kind of infection. But i've heard of people drinking cranberry juice to flush their bladder. Burning during urination could be a number of things, so be careful if you do decide to treat yourself. Try using AZO for urinary tract infections. It will make your urine turn an orange color, but it relieves the pain. My 4 year old had a UTI so bad, it caused bleeding when she peed, and AZO helped the pain, but she was also treated with antibiotics. Good luck with that

  5. go to the doctor and get tested it could be more serious than you think

  6. Cranberry juice, your really suppose to stay a way from stuff like soda and what not.... they also sell stuff at the stores for bladder infections... theyre right next to the tampons...(wel i've seen them next to them at the grocery store) you might want to go to the doctor though cause having it for a long period of time can cause bigger and worse things..

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