
What do I do i found a baby bat?

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What do I do i found a baby bat?




  1. RABIES!

  2. How do you know it is a baby..adults bats can be tiny as well.  Is it obviously injured? If may be ill if you were able to capture it.  Make sure you do NOT handle the bat with bare hands..they will bite in self defence.  Get the bat to a local wildlife rehab. Look here for one near you:

  3. if the animal is not weaned, then it requires a huge commitment and will probably end in failure - I would be wary of taking the challenge on myself as a zoologist. so if it doesn't take the crickets, call the rangers, but give it the water with the eyedropper till they arrive. Many young animals die because people forget to give them water and that is more important for animals in shock, as a "lost" bat most probably is in. Careful of the rabies, though, I agree.

  4. Found?  Wild animals don't get lost.  If you are handling a bat there is something wrong with it.  I suggest you put it back where you found it.  Then leave it alone.  

    Bats have the potential to carry rabies.  That would be a very serious condition.  Never handle any bats.

  5. try to look in a phone book for animal rangers and tell them your story, and let them raise the bat until its strong enough Then they will release it into the wild

  6. You leave it where you found it.  You won't help it by bringing it into your house, or trying to feed it.

  7. If  you're sure it's a baby, and you WANT to care for it yourself, I can tell you how.  It's mother will NOT care for it once it leaves the roost.  

    Caring for it will take a small commitment on your part, and a little bit of money for food, but you can do it.  It depends on just how young the animal is.  If  you found it near your home it's probably not "that' young and has fully developed wings.

    You will need to have a wire mesh cage (holes not large enough for it to escape), metal window screen is best.  A dark place in the cage where it can hide during the day.  A shallow bowl of water (kept fresh daily) on the cage floor.  The  door to the cage needs to be large enough where you can get your hand inside to aid the little bat.  

    You need to buy yourself some "live" crickets and meal worms from you local pet store.  You offer these to your bat, one at a time, in a pair of tweezers.  You keep feeding and feeding until he stops taking them from you any more.  You should feed your little bat at least twice a day like that while he hangs upside down in his cage.

    You feed him water through an eye dropper.

    If you have any problems or want to know any more, email me, and I'll help you out.  I know a great deal about bats because I've worked on several films with them, and I learned from the scientists.

  8. Call animal control. They will tell you what to do. I wouldn 't touch anything you dont know about, so keep gloves on.

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