
What do I do if I'm engaged to a Jewish girl and my grandfather was a n**i during WW2 ?

by Guest55848  |  earlier

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What do I do if I'm engaged to a Jewish girl and my grandfather was a n**i during WW2 ?




  1. I'm not sure exactly what kind of answer you are looking to get.  But...the past is the past, something that should be remembered, respected, and something you and your fiance should both be proud of. is the past.  Both of you should be able to overlook the past for the sake of love, be proud to be able to unite as one in love!

    Love sees no color, religion, economic status, sees love!

    I wish you and your fiance a healthy and prosperous life together!


    JAIME - that was not necessary

  2. Nothing, the war is over, forgive and have faith in the future.

  3. Get the scripts out, sounds like another poorly written, feel-good, summery, love-comedy of the decade!

  4. First, make sure you tell her that, and reassure her you have no anti-semetic views, and that you love her just the way she is.

  5. Something tells me this isn't a serious question, but in case it is,  why would it matter? Does it matter to her? To you? If not, let history be just that - history


    But Jaime - it sure was funny!

  6. My answer for the answer police:  Tell her.  

    What is a Jewish girl doing marrying a German?

  7. Umm . . . you weren't even alive, then.  If she held you responsible for such a tragedy, then you need to find a more reasonable girl.

    Unless you're a secret skinhead with a swastika on your living room wall, I can't see why it would make any difference, except in a historical, "what an eerie coincidence" sort of way.

  8. Being a German soldier is completely different from being a National Socialist (n**i), which is a political party and movement. Some Jews were Germans and proud to be so. Some Jews had fought in WW1 in support of the Kaiser.

  9. Well first, are you sure your father was actually a n**i party member or do you mean your grandfather was just part of the Armed forces. Most of Germany's armed forces were drafted into service just like any other country. Either way, this really is a non-issue as it has nothing to do with your lives together.

  10. it depends how she sees it...

    FORGIVE AND FORGET,         or


  11. Wow. Not sure what to say to that one. Have they met each other? Do either of them realize what the other is/was?

    When you say your grandfather was a n**i... not all Germans during the Second World War were anti-semetic. Some of them were just ordinary people who were required to join the n**i party.

  12. Find a church with a very wide aisle.

  13. she should understand that you are not your grandfather.

  14. You better define n**i.....

    During WW2 if anyone was a soldier in

    the German army, navy, air force they were

    considered a n**i.

    Not the case however many people think it is...

    Question is what did your grandfather do???

    Was he a soldier??

    More likely he was drafted into the service.

    Was he a government official??

    More likely he had a government job and to keep it

    he had to join the n**i party.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger's father who was living

    in Austria joined the n**i Party sometime the time

    Germany annexed Austria.Mainly because he

    had a government job and wanted to still being employed and get a paycheck.

    Note nearly 99% of the German SS were soldiers and

    did not have anything to do with concentration camps or

    even knew of them.

    After the war, what was left of the German SS was

    absorbed into the new West German Army.

    - - - - - - -

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