
What do I do if I've made mistakes with men in the past and my daughter is having trouble forgiving me?

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I'm single now - my daughter is grown (22 yrs old) but she has seen me pick ''the wrong guy'' on more than one occasion as well as make stupid mistakes with men .. Of course I admit it and own up to it etc but its got to the point where if I DID ever meet someone I wanted a relationship with - I think I'd hide it from her!

It beats getting the lecture on ''this one is probably a mistake too - and I don't wanna see you upset when it all goes wrong''

I understand that but I am only human , am not a bad person , wouldn't dream of intentionally hurting her - I just have trouble with what to do on the path to meeting mr right - coz if the guy turns out to be mr wrong she judges me for it!!

I just hope that one day I do meet the right man so she doesn't have to worry anymore , in the meantime I have no problem with being single - If I don't meet mr right - I'll stay single!




  1. u have a right to be happy

    everyones human and makes mistakes

    so what? she needs to move on and watn whats best for u n what makes u happy hun so if u find another guy go for it! u never no


  2. Your daughter needs to stop judging you, for one. She's your daughter and should support you, not antagonize you and your mistakes!

    For two, you need to make sense out of what's her business to know, and what's your business. If she's full-grown at 22, she doesn't need to know about any boyfriends you have unless you have any intention on marrying them. Give it a few months-six months of dating before you mention anything!

  3. Your daughter, should not be judging you, she is not God, he is the one who judges, I always say, thank God he is the judge, and not men, because he will forgive us, if we ask, and men they never forget our wrong, or forgive. Now you know the type of men you have been going out with, so now what you have to do is give yourself time to get to know a person before you give then you heart. It takes time to know if he is right for you, so move slow. If it is for you, you will know, I just think that you do not take enough time, to learn how a person is. you rush into things to quick. You are important, and you should only want the best for yourself, so hold out for the best.

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