
What do I do if I missed jury duty?

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What do I do if I missed jury duty?




  1. Tell the court why your not able to go.

  2. Stash the bong pipe, go and hide somewhere until the heat cools off...

    In all seriousness, call the court, ask them what you are supposed to do. If they ask for reasons why you wern't there, make sure to tell them good ones. Reasons like "I had a hangover" don't go down to well. Try something acceptable and untraceable like "My girlfriends best friend had a serious car accident, we were busy getting her stuff from her house and staying by her side". yeah...

    Anyways, hope it works out for you. If it don't, start running.


  3. If you can,let the court's jury administrator know as soon as possible.  Don't NOT inform them.  That could result in some very unfortunate legal consequences for you.

  4. Inform the court that you were not able to attend your duty but be sure to cite valid reasons.

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