
What do I do if my ride to work sleeps in late?

by Guest57600  |  earlier

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My roommate/co-worker is our mode of transportation, but he often sleeps in hours past when we're supposed to be at work. The first few times, I would wake him up at 9 AM (when we're supposed to be there) but it's gotten to the point that I need to wake him up everyday. I think he needs to start taking responsibility for himself, but it ends up making me late for work, too. We've talked about it a couple of times, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. I'd take myself to work, but I have no means of transportation. What am I supposed to do?




  1. well not much you can do when your dependt on someone else!

    i would save up and get your own transportation!!!

    and also let your boss know maybe you could car pool with someone else!

    or walk to work  if it's less then 5-10 miles!

  2. Better get yourself a bike girl.

  3. i would try thees things

    * get a bus pass

    * ask someone else for a ride to work

    * walk if its close to home

    * try getting your own car

    * talk to him about the situation

    * take his car and go to work

  4. I'd leave him in bed and take his car.  A couple times of leaving HIM stranded  should break him of his bad habit.

  5. I would never depend on anyone for anything - leave alone a ride.  I would walk, bus or bike.

  6. Pour cold water on him or make very loud noises in front of his ear!

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