Ok, so here's the situation, and I know that a lot of people read this so I will try to control my temper. I go to the same dog park everyday to walk my puppy. This dog park is about 5 blocks from the local police station, and there are a great many signs that clearly state it's illegal to have a dog that is not on a leash. So tonight, the same white trash family was there, and they have 5 very very big dogs, no leashes, so collars, no tags. So as soon as I saw them there, I turned around to start walking home. But wouldn't you know that I heard a sound of running paws and in a panic had to grab my baby and lift him over my head because 4 of the little pukes were charging at us. One of them bit my sweet little dog and surrounded me snarling so I couldn't get away. I was screaming for the owners to come and call them off, but they didn't seem to care, I was screaming for help, and nothing, I was scared out of my mind that we were about to be mauled and I was helpless. So when we finally got away my baby is limping and crying and I was almost to that point too, and no one would help us. I called the police because those people were still at the park if someone would just go down there. But wouldn't you know the place is empty, apparently they are all still an donut den. I don't find it acceptable for people like me and my puppy to be punished and have no place to walk just because of people like that. So my question is, where do I report something like this? Who can help me? There is a grade school right next to that park where those horrible people are, and I may have gotten away, but it could have been a child that got attacked and I would not be able to live with the thought of that. Any help here? Any ideas or help from people who have had this happen, it would be greatly appreciated, from both me and my pup :) Thanks