
What do I do now, I just had a manic relapse....?

by  |  earlier

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I went to sleep sad and depressed moreso feeling somewhat normal after going through a horirible 9 months of mania/mixed state/depression. I think its because I quit smoking marijuana about 3 days ago, along with cutting cigarettes from 25 a day to 5.

I went to sleep at 1 AM and woke up at 2:30 AM energetic as h**l, im jumping around, getting all these ideas, I have been trying to go to sleep for 5 hours, but it just hit me, I am manic again. It always starts out good, mad ideas, feel like talking to a lot of people, etc.

But a week later it becomes horrible and the euphoria disappears and becomes dysphoric. Suicidal thoughts, rage, and sometimes even homicidal thoughts.

So, is there anyway besides using medicine to go back to normal atleast a somewhat depressive state before like...Tuesday?

I am pretty broke this time around and within a week i am going to start going crazy because I don't have the money or car to be fulfilling my super social needs(women, partying, chilling, making money)




  1. My son is going through exactly what you describe above.  MY GOD, do I sympathize with you.  You state you do not want medicine.  My best advice to you if you do not take medicine is to get a good nights sleep.  Even if it involves you taking a sleep aid, make sure you get at least seven hours sleep.  

    If you want any other info, please feel free to email me.

    I do give you a lot of credit for seeking help.  My son doesnt even do that.

  2. Come on dude.  You just had nine months of this.  You know there is not OTC that is going to slow you or stop dysphoria.  Why do you prefer to punish yourself over being stable?  Is it for the high that ultimately turns dysphoric?  Is it for the depression that inevitably follows that is such a wonderful experience?  Is the high worth the havoc that it wreaks on your life (broke, no school, no job, probably few friends when you're down or dysphoric) or on the people that populate your life?  I have bipolar and call all those things h**l.  Try to reach below the racing thoughts and figure out why it is that you like doing this to yourself.  That you can't get medical help is bunk.  Go down to your local mental health clinic/department.

  3. You still have THC in yout body,meanwhile cut off marijuana and take this combo if you want to be healed.

    ca+mg+omega3+folic acid + rodiola rosea

    for 1 month,you will feel beter within 1 week anyway

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