
What do I do now I need advice?

by  |  earlier

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Hi Friends,

I've got a little problem. I just found out I was pregnant by my fiance. He was not too happy because he wanted to wait. But what can you do? Things happen right? So he has not spoken to me since I told him. Only to tell me what he wants to eat, when he wants a massage/bath or s*x. Now that is not the worst of my problems. I called his ex to tell her the great news. It did not go good. She started going crazy over the phone. I just wanted to tell her so maybe she can rush the divorce so me and my fiance can get married. She keeps calling telling me all these kinds of names. I'm a littlle scared because anything can happen with this crazy lady. One time she tried to run me over with her car while I was crossing the street. So I called my fiance and told him that I might need assistance and he said that he can't deal with this now and hung up. I've been calling him ever since.

So now I tried to go do errands for my fiance and she followed me and started throwing baseballs at me when I left my car.

How do I get her away from me? The cops don't help because she makes me to look like a bad guy. She just tells them they are still married and they leave her alone.

I really need help and some good advice.

I am crying right now. please help me!




  1. first of all, you're engaged to a married man.

    Secondly, you called her???  That was a big mistake.  I'd be pissed if my HUSBAND was engaged to someone and then having a baby.

    Not that what she's doing is right, but if she starts throwing things at you again, call the cops right then and there.  Maybe they'll see she's assaulting you.

    Hopefully you learned a lesson--leave married men alone!

  2. so you finally gotpregnant huh? lol congradulations he willprobably make you abort it or make you lose it! why the f*** did you call his wife! yes his wife she is still his wife!!!! you are stupid and i hope that you lose that man for good!

  3. Get video evidence of her doing these things, if she leaves threats on your answering machine or calls you with them, record her crazy ***.  Make your fiance see that she is trying to hurt you.  If you give the evidence to the police, then you might can get a restraining order, especially if your with child.  

  4. I hate to say it but it sounds like the two of them have still been hooking up.  It is hard for him to handle b/c he has not really made up his mind to divorce yet.  If he truly loves you he would check his ex.  Also,, why did you call and tell the ex?  Honey she is not your friend that was a no no.  The child you are carrying has nothing to do with her.  It will not rush them into a divorce they clearly do not want.

  5. First of all i know you probably know now you should have never called her.  Mistake.  Now for the divorce she could stall forever especially if he has children with her.  Does he?  Be prepared to have her wipe him out financially.  And he should put a stop to it.  Do not ever call her again, If she shows up at your place, call the cops, get a video recorder, answering machine, document everything she does.  Get a restraining order if necessary.  Watch your back.  Does BF live with you?  Does he have to have contact with her?  That is what the lawyers are for.  She doesn't want him to be with any other person, X-wives just wants to make the other miserable til Kingdom Come.  Are you the reason for breakup of their marriage?  (of course it takes two)I'm sure your bf is freaking out, but he needs to step up.  I feel for you cause it is a long long road to go Thur c**p like this.  Hopefully y'all can survive the strain and misery one can place upon you.  

  6. While you are crying, pack your bags, load your car and don't bother to say good bye. Now, if you want this lifestyle to continue then wait til you are good and pregnant and she gets you with the baseball bat while boyfriend says he can't be bothered and see where you stand then.  

  7. How many times are you going to post this nonsense?

    First she was egging your car and now this...

    I think you need to stop listening to the voices in your head.

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