
What do I do now on Pokemon Pearl?

by  |  earlier

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I can't go to Sunyshore because there's a blackout. I can't go to Canalave because I don't have swim. And I can't go to Snowpoint or Celestic through Mt. Coronet because I don't have the badge for Strength to move boulders, and the other way to go, there are Psyducks in the way. But all the other places I've gotten the badge from so....what do I do? How do I move the Psyducks? Get the Badge for Strength? What do I do to make the blackout go away? Please Help!!




  1. Ok, first, the Psyducks. After a while, when you try to go past them, Cynthia will come and give you a Secretpotion. Give it to them, cure their headaches, and they go away. You can't go to Sunyshore yet, you have to beat Team Galactic first. Well, it's very complicated, so go here:

    It's a very good walkthrough.

    Hint: Press CTRL + F to find a keyword you're looking for!

  2. THE PSYDUCKS STAND FIRM--> the northern path of rt 210 is blocked by a pack of psyducks that are suffering from'll find a cure 4 their malady LATER. so there's nothing you can do for them now..abandon the northern path & head EAST to ROUTE 215...glad 2 help :)

    please follow what i saiid

  3. go to hearthome and beat fantina and then you can use surf then surf to canalve city beat the gym, take the boat to iron island beat teamgalactic with the help of riley, get the riolu egg, and then go to snowpoint city beat the gym leader, team galactic, catch palkia at spear piller, and then you can go to sunnyshore city.

    Oh and for the psyducks after you beat the sixth gym i beleive go to the psyducks and cynthia will give you a secret potion to give to the psyducks. By the way teach defog to a pokemon to use in the route where the pyducks were.

    ( you get defog in the great marsh)

    If you need help click on my icon and then when you get to my page email me!

    Hope i helped

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