
What do I do to get a better score in the mile run?

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We were running the mile in gym and my throat started to hurt really bad. What do I do to prevent it from happening again and get a better score?

p.s. My last score was only 8:46 :(




  1. run more endurance and practice. Practice makes perfect!

  2. run three miles to gain endurance, once you have endurance you can run one mile at a faster pace

  3. ok thats a bad time even if ur throat was hurting and that doesnt slow down ur running it was probly cold out and ur body just has to get used to running in the cold

  4. wow well you are a faster runner than me I usually get       9:00. Anyways what I do is to just breath in through my nose and out through my mouth, you dont want to do it to fast though because your nose will start to hurt. Pace yourself on it. This really helps me and I can almost make it the entire way. Almost. Also just take it slow in the beginning this way you dont use up all your energy when you still have a whole half a mile to go. I hope this helps.

  5. Practice! Just try to start running around your neighborhood or in the woods. Try to run more than a mile when you practice, so when you run the mile, it will seem a shorter distance.

    And if your throat hurts, try drinking water before and after you run.

    Good luck!

  6. First of all, drink plenty of water beforehand.  Don't chug a whole gallon right before you run, but drink a little throughout the day.  Hydration helps prevent cramps and a dry throat.  Plus, it's just good all around for you.

    Don't start out too fast--pace yourself.  The third lap around the track will probably be the hardest, just because you've been running for a while but you don't have the satisfaction of being on the last lap yet.  So when you're on your third lap, really focus on pushing yourself.

    If you want to improve your time, try to give yourself a specific split to run for each lap.  To run an 8:30 mile, for instance, you'd want each of your laps to be about 2:07.  Wear a watch to keep track of the time.

    Don't underestimate the power of your arms!  When your legs are getting really tired, try moving your arms with more force (still keeping them relaxed).  You'll probably see your legs speed up too!  And pick up your knees to lengthen your stride.  

    Most importantly, remember to breathe and relax.  Your body can physically do 33% more than your brain thinks it can.  So don't worry.  

    Good luck!  I'm sure you'll do fine--all of these things that I just said are things that I'm trying to work on in my own running.  I certainly haven't mastered them yet.  :-]

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