
What do I do to get my son to go to sleep easier???

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My 10 month old son Mason won't go to sleep very well for us! Well, he goes to sleep but after about 15-20 minutes of sleep in his crib, he wakes up screaming...we can't figure out why. Also, he doesn't seem to want to go to sleep before midnight, even if he's incredibly tired and can't hardly stay awake, he'll just cry in his crib or in our arms until its past midnight (at least it feels like that's why he's doing it). Anyone have any suggestions how to get him to go to bed sooner than midnight and stay asleep?

I've done the pablum for bedtime snack, bath before bed, read a book, so on and so forth, I've just run out of ideas.





  1. At the moment your son should be getting into books so try and read him a story and then rub his back or tummy..... The little ones really like this!!

  2. try a gentle massage.. this is what I do with my daughter

    bath, gentle massage, feeding in the rocker right before bed, then a  little cuddling time after feeding in the rocker, then lay down to sleep.

    i notice if I skip the massage she won't go to sleep right away and it is a fight to get her to sleep.

    try a gentle scent too like the lavender from Johnson and Johnson.  

  3. there are no easy solutions for either of you. Just put him to sleep at a reasonable hour then check on him at the most 2 to 3 times and that's it ---------time to go outside to the bbq and a glass of wine. Enjoy your husband's company if available or do your own thing that you are really interested in or totally involved-----photo album, sewing,etc Knitting and no listening as he has had his turn so it is time for your turn. Soft music helps and sticking to the rules. You can make your own rules but the limit has to be there for your own peace of mind.

  4. My bub used to be a terror too. He's 11 months now and has only been sleeping through for 2 weeks. It getts better so hang in there.

    We found the routine for bed has to be done every night. We do it in stages. First we start of playing normally. Then retreat to the lounge room. Our son plays on the floor while we watch tv. At about 7:30pm we turn the lounge room lights off while he still plays on the floor. At 7:45pm I pick him up and talk to him / read a book / or he might just watch tv. I dont let him get bacvk down. He has to stay on my lap. He tries to wriggle so I let him stand on my lap and when he wigglkes again, I sit him down again on my lap. He gets sick of trying and sits. He gets sleepy sitting there with nothing to do so before he goes to sleep we both give him a cuddle, pop him dummy in and put him in bed. We both say "Nigh Nigh" and walk out. Exactly the same each night.

    To get to this though is also a lot of work. He needs to be put to bed still awake. Tuck him in, say goodnight and walk out. If he gets upset then go back in re-settle him without getting him out of the cot. Repeat the same wording for goodnight and walk out again. Try not to pick him back up. I dont like control crying. I think its cruel. I always respond when my son cries. I check, settle and walk out again. Get your days right first because you wont be tired and wont give in. When hes sleeping better during the day then start at night.

    My definition of settling is tell him its ok, re-tuck him in and make sure he is safe.

    Would also be a good idea to check with the doctor. It some cases it could be silent reflux (no vomiting but their throat burns when they lay down). My bub had this too. Totally different baby when on medication. We have the powder one and its great (tastes like strawberry quick).

    Also don't jump down to an early bed time straight away. Start with 11:30pm. Do a night or two of that then move 1/2 hour earlier. Keep getting earlier to 7:30pm to 8:30pm. All bubs are different.

    Hope this helps. I feel your pain - I've been there too. Just remember getting them into a proper routine is very exhausting - you'll feel like its not worth it but it only takes a day or two for them to get into a better routine.

    If you want to talk more then email me:


  6. perhaps it's his corsitol level? corsitol is a hormone in our body that uses the sun to regulate our sleep patterns.

    Does you son spend at least 15minutes in the sun each day? If not, try doing that, and keeping his world well lit during waking hours, and very dim during resting hours. Make the sleep environment as dark as possible, with a very dim light at most.

    This may help him learn the difference between wake and sleep using his natural hormone balance.

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