
What do I do to look pretty?

by  |  earlier

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I'm young but my face is horrible, I have huge pores, I break out alot, and my skin is oily. I already see lines and I have dark circles under my eyes.

What can I do to look pretty?




  1. plastic surgery  

  2. I break out alot.

    - exfoliate - for your pores.

    - clearasil makes me break out but it helps get rid of spots after a couple of days.

    - plenty of water.

    - sleep.

    i actually know what i have to do, but i can never be bothered doing it haha x

    hope this helps.

    answer mine?;...

  3. You already are pretty and you do NOT need yahoo answers to tell u that!

  4. you could try some concealer, which can even out your skin some.

    wash your face daily with luke warm water, put cucumbers over your eyes or tea bags to help reduce the dark circles. use moisturizer.

    youre young, so yeah, it happens to almost everyone (including me, im 13). the side effects of puberty sucks, right?

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