
What do I do to prepare for the future?

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What should I do? The economy is bad and the threat of war is bad and and well the weather is bad. What should I do?




  1. What??

  2. Stock up on food that will not perish I think we are heading for a post ww1 germany

  3. ha ha this country and the world has been through alot worse than this, stop being soft think what life was like in the cold war when 2 counties that had alot of nuclear weapons could have wiped out the whole planet in a blink of an eye.

    why dont you jump of a very tall building then all your problems will be over and you can stop being scared for once in your life

  4. Stock up on dried foods etc....keep stocking up each month. Have an Emergency Kit ready with stuff like candles, flashlights w/batteries of course, a first aid kit, extra blankets and clothing, don't forget the water jugs. Buy veggie seedlings to plant a garden or you can start buying seedlings on-line and stock up on them too.

    Lets just hope and pray that this will never happen.

  5. what can you do were going down and we have people leaving this country every day. all we can really do is hope that the Chinese are kind because i smell foreclose on the loans .we need to get this country moving but i dont see it moving again for atleast a decade

  6. We're headed for something bad.  There definitely is a certain apocalyptic feeling in the air.  I'm not old enough to have experienced any other wars except the Gulf War and our current situation but I wasn't born last night either.  There is something really wrong with the world right now.  There's more diseases than ever, more crime, more environmental issues...

    As another answerer said, stock up on food supplies, get something to protect yourself and your loved ones and pretty much buy only the necessities.  

    It wouldn't hurt to get God in your life either.

  7. head for the hills, and dig a fall out shelter.

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