
What do I do w/ my roommate from h**l????

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So my girlfriend has a roommate tht she thought was normal when she first got to college but now turned insane. It started out w/in the first few hours when her roomate was sayin she was uncomfortable and said she hates it there. Than she went as far as saying shed be ok w/ making no friends and that she went to college just for a degree not friends. Then she got rly mopey and continue to complain nonstop. After she kicked my g/f out the first weekend she wrote a list saying dont eat her food wen my g/f had bought all the food they have and dont step on my bed when my g/f is on the top bunk and other stupid stuff. Finally after fightin w/ her for an hour and "agreeing to disagreee" she went behind my g/fs back and complained to the RA. My g/f sed she doesnt want to deal w/ a switch but do u guys think she should?




  1. If she has the option, **** yes, switch. This girl sounds like a ******* loon and someone you just can't please. No need to be miserable any longer than necessary.

  2. MOVE OUT!!!!!

  3. i think she should this girl needs some help


    Have your gf do that to her room mate and she might move out xD

  5. Tell her to run as fast as she can in the opposite direction!!

  6. roommates ROCK!

  7. Definitely switch roommates!  It's not worth it to deal with a bad roomie.  I had a terrible freshman roomie (she turned crazy after winter break) and it made the half a month she stayed in school h**l for me.  Move now, before you get too settled in.

  8. Take it from someone that had roommate problems just last year; get a switch. It is amazing how much a roommate can affect relationships with other people, Your own mood, and most importantly your grades. This girl is being completely unreasonable and you need to tell the resident assistant this.

    Trust me, a change might be a pain in the A** but she will be much happier in the long run

    Besides, she might not be the one to have to move out, the room mate might also move out of the room.

    However perhaps ask if the RA can sit down and have a meeting with the two of them first to try and sort out their problems.  Than perhaps during that meeting the RA can see how unreasonable your gfs roommate is being.

  9. Deal with it, people on the internet offer no material help.

  10. She should definitely try to switch if she feels it is a problem. College can be difficult enough without having the added stress of a dorm living situation. Right now it seems to be bothering you more than your girlfriend, so she might perceive the whole thing as being minor problems.

  11. get a new roommate

  12. sounds like it's your girlfriends problem not yours, right?

    I'd back off and let my girlfriend decide what she wants to do since she is the one who has to live with her.

  13. first if you still have the list give it to the dorm adviser! then tell about all the things she is doing then tell her to stop then if they understaND YOU    MIGHT BE ABLE TO MOVE OUT but then THEY MIGHT MOVE HER TO ANOTHER ROOM!

  14. This roommate sounds bipolar...or just a witch. Either way, switching can be a hassle. Aren't roommates in dorms only for the semester? If this is that case, then your g/f should just stick with it and then when it comes time to have a roommate again, not choose the evil girl. If she is stuck with her for a long time, then I think living with someone who she can deal with is worth the hassle. It could be worse. She could be a thief. You could get some revenge and eat "her" food r step on her bed. Maybe move the furniture 3 inches to the left to throw her off - whatever to drive her crazy. Either way, you and your g/f will have some fun stories to tell about the roommate from h**l.

  15. I would. In fact, I did.  I had a roommate from h**l.  She was an only child and her parents were so wrapped around her finger, they actually moved across country to live where she went to college.  She was horrible.  She thought the world was supposed to revolve around her, and that included me.  She thought she actually could tell me when I was allowed to be in our dorm room.  She was a f'ing lunatic.  One day I was at my desk study, and she and her boyfriend started s******g right next to me - I'm talking full on p**n.  The last straw was when I picked up some of things to clean up the room, and she had a cow and went into some crazy rage.

    Thankfully one of my friends had a dorm room all to herself so I moved into the other bunk.  But the roommate from h**l then went to the RA and the director or dorms and told them all these crazy lies about me. I am a very shy and nonconfrontational person IRL, so I just couldn't believe what she was doing.  I was so f'ing pissed.  I had to lay down the law with the RA and the director and explain all the stupid c**p she did to me, and finally I think they saw what a crazy freak she was because they left me alone after that.  

  16. Sounds like this girl really is a loner and doesn't share well with others, or she doesn't like your girlfriend.  Does she also have good times?  If so, then maybe it's not all bad and they have the kinds of fights girls have (girls are a nightmare living together) so if there is good as well then maybe try and stick it out, see her through the adjustment period, but if she is just miserable and nasty the whole time, why ruin the ollge experience with a misery for a room mate?

  17. The RA needs to hear your GF's side of it. I would definitely switch, the semester is going to get pretty long this way.  Some people just don't work well together.

  18. she either needs to try and make an effort to make friends with this girl or tell someone about it so she can possibly move to another dorm.  Either this girl is miserable or just doesn't want to share a dorm with anyone.

  19. What a nutcase. I think that your girlfriend should ask for a switch. I'd rather deal with a switch than a psychopath that won't let me eat my own food!

  20. i put laxative in her pretious food,oryou may as well do her a litlle vodoo why not  

  21. Switch as quickly as possible.

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