
What do I do when I'm cantering? I ride English.?

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Ok, this is probably a really stupid question, but I really don't get how to canter... I know how to get the horse to canter, but what do I do when the horse is cantering?




  1. For different horses it may vary, because some horses like it when you are light on their back, which means to get into two point, but some horses like it better when you sit deep in your seat and let them move under you.

  2. I too used to have a lot of problems when I first started cantering - the key, I found, is simply to relax!

    Sit deep in the saddle, to start with it may be an idea to hold the front of the saddle with one hand so that you can pull yourself into the saddle, but you shouldn't get into the habit of doing this too often.

    Sit up straight, don't "grip" with your legs, just have gentle contact with the horse with your lower legs.

    The key is also to learn to canter on a comfortable horse.  The more you ride you will discover that some horses are more comfortable to ride than others - a good horse to learn on should have smooth paces so that you can learn to "get a feel" for the horse.

    Good luck - and if you are still struggling, talk to your instructor.

  3. It's not a dumb question, so its kinda going to feel like a rocking horse you just gently rock with the horse.  You do not want to lean forward as this will get the horse to gallop and will throw him off balance.  Sit tall, and move with the horse, you dont have to try to hard, the horse does all the hard work for us :P

  4. Lean forward or you will get left behind and hold on with your legs to dont kick you heel into the horse use your calves. And you can always hold on to the main if need to be. I would suggest you start cantering on a non spunky horse...or you will not have a plesent time..Have Fun !

  5. Stay balanced, keep your heels down, do not jerk on his mouth - keep your hands relaxed and steady. Move your hips back and forth with the saddle - grind against the saddle with the motion of the horse - it sounds dirty, I know ;). Don't let your butt leave the saddle or fly up into the air as you're cantering - keep it glued to that saddle, hips going back and forth with the horse.

  6. Sit up straight and tall.Kep your pelvis loose,and let it absorb the movemnet.Pretend that there is a $500 note under you bum,and you cant let it fly away.

    Dont grip with your legs,your will become insecure  and risk tipping forward and make the horse go faster.

    See if you can attach a rope or somthing on to the D rings of the saddle,so you have somthing to keep you secure.

    have fun.

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