
What do I do when I am afaird of sevre thunderstorms

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thunderstorms freak me ot




  1. I really hate thunder storms, too. Especially when it looks like there could be funnel clouds.

    I always go online and look at my local tv channels' doppler radar. That'll usually give you an idea of how long it's gonna take for the storm to pass, which direction it's heading in, and how severe. I also check for warnings and watches in my area, just in case I need to find a safe place to duck and cover.

    If it makes you feel better, find a central room in your house where you can stay away from windows. Keep yourself preoccupied with other things. (Games, books, magazines, movies, etc.)

    Honestly, though, there's not much else you can do. Nature is the one thing in this world you're always at the mercy of, and mankind will be hard pressed to change that without s******g up the planet. This is something you (and I) will just have to overcome.  

  2. Hide Under a pillow.

  3. they freak me out 2.  They never really used to until about last summer.  I live in CT so we never get funnel clouds or big hail or tornadoes.  Then last summer there were 12 tornadoes in the state, a record.  Every since last summer most storms have had tornado watches for them and big hail. I think its global warming, my sister gets books and games and her cd player and goes into our bathroom, the only room in the house that dosent have windows and is right in the center.  I follow her sometimes.  There havent been alot of tornadoes this summer, i think 2 at the max, which is still really unusual for CT.  Good luck, ps.  never get proffesinal help for this phobia, didnt work for me or my sister.  <3.

  4. Hide under the bed

  5. do wat i do go outside watch it and fall over(when the winds get that strong it does happen)

  6. Just make sure you stay indoors on the lowest floor away from windows and stay tuned to the weather. In case of tornado, find a safe place to go away from windows near the center part of your house.

  7. I am terrified of them too. Stay indoor--and shut the windows. If you have ear plugs, use them.  

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