
What do I do when I want to go straight from a turn only lane?

by Guest59051  |  earlier

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Usually, when I'm stuck in a turn lane, I politely put on my flasher and wait for someone to let me in the straight lane.

But, today, no one was polite. And, the people behind me in the turn lane were honking. So, I advanced and ended up stuck in the intersection.

Why can't people just be polite? It's pathetic how seriously some people take driving.




  1. you are kidding right? you were in the wrong and it sounds like from your question you have done this before

    if you are in the turning lane only then freakin turn and make your way back

    why should everybody in the turning lane behind you wait for YOU i guess YOU are not too polite

    get real!!

  2. Depending on the price of gas that day around 30 to $35.

  3. I would say that you should put your turn signal on, and if the guy in the straight lane next to you lets you in when the light turns green, you can get in that lane, but it's unfair of you to hold up traffic because you made a mistake about the lane you want to be in.  You need to just deal with it and turn if no one will let you in and then pull over and get turned around again.

  4. Normally when your stuck in a turn lane you turn. Then turn around and go straight. That's how accidents happen and you should take driving seriously. A car is a weapon, you can kill people by being stupid.  Obviously you didn't think about that  since you made that comment

  5. They don't take it seriously, otherwise they would be polite.  They take it as some kind of ego issue.  I would have let you in! :)

  6. All vehicles in a turn lane must turn.  If you don't find someone that will allow you to quickly change to the through lane, you should make the turn and work your way back to the place you want to go.  This may involve going around the block or even continuing on until you locate a place that allows a legal U-turn.  Stopping the cars that are in the turn lane and making them wait for you to find an opening is rude.   Besides, you could get cited for impeding traffic.

  7. You were the one who was totally in the wrong!!! If you are in a turn only lane, you have to make the turn!!! It is simple!!

    You make the turn, and find a safe area to turn around and go back to where you wanted to go! You need to plan better, and if you do make an error and end up in the turn lane, make the turn.

    The one who was rude in this situation was YOU!! The pathetic thing is that you are so self centered that you can not see that you were the problem, not the other drivers who did not accommodate you!!

  8. I don't think it's pathetic. There are a lot of idiots on the streets. Seriously, If you were stuck in the turning lane you should have went ahead and made the turn, gone up the street and made a U-turn to get back to your destination. My reason for this is there are a lot of people who purposely get into lanes that they don't belong in just to advance up and cut people off to get ahead. Also, it could have caused an accident... Driving should be taken very seriously, people die and get their cars bashed into everyday because of ignorance from others... I don't expect you to pick me as the best answer, but honestly... I wouldn't have let you in either. If you don't take driving seriously, you shouldn't be on the road.

  9. You are right--driving is always a matter of consideration and courtesy. There are issues when everyone waits and someone sneaks ahead using an improper lane--only to try to jump over and avoid the line. That is an improper lane usage that cops can enforce--pleading you don't know won't be accepted if you are from the area--the judge will say you knew it was there. Even a stranger should be looking ahead for such markings and signage--so if you are in the wrong lane--use it and turn around and come back--no use losing a lot of money to the courts. As far as people being angry and blowing their horns--can you actually say you have a right to do that lane jump and expect courtesy??  Everyone is in a rush and they all manage to drive legally--you doing that move just makes them madder then they are already.

  10. Legally speaking, it's illegal to cross a solid white line like the ones that seperate a left turn lane from the other lanes at an intersection. If a cop catches you they will ticket you.

    Yeah, you can signal and try to nudge over a lane, but not everyone will let you over. For that matter, since its illegal they don't really need to be nice to you...but I still think they should if its safe.

    Just keep in mind this is really only safe (but still illegal) when traffic is slow or stopped. Dodging over a lane in fast moving traffic when you are at a stop is asking for a crash. In any case, if no one will be nice, go around the corner and hang a U-turn. Stopping in the middle of traffic is not safe at all.

  11. I did that one day and got a ticket for $105.00, Its best to turn and go around the block if needed. It is safer and will save you a ticket as well as stop someone from road rage. Good Luck and God Bless

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