
What do I do when bank start to forclosure my house?

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I m not able to keep the house so I have to let it go. Please let me know what to when the eviction paper is on my door.

Thank you so much




  1. Depends on what you want to do.

    If you want to keep the house, you're going to have to get caught up on the payments, talk to your lender, they will help.

    If you don't want to keep the house, start looking for another place to live, the Sheriff will be along soon enough to evict you.

  2. YOu have very few options.  If you don't pay what you owe, you will be escorted out of the house by the sheriff.   IF you declare bankruptcy you get to stay in the house another 6 months, then the sheriff escorts you out.  And your credit has a bankruptcy.

  3. Stop ignoring their letters and phone calls.

    Call up the bank and ask to speak to the Loss Litigation department.  They are the ones in the authority to help you the most.

    Customer service is not it.

  4. Pack up and move.  Make sure you cancel the internet service that apparently has prevented you from paying your mortgage.

  5. first step... make up your mind RIGHT NOW... if you want to keep your house or better yet, if you have the means, such as income to keep your home... if you want to keep the home apply for a loan modification... if you say forget get... im going to walk away - then request for a short sale...

    make sure you dont let the bank "just foreclose" because you will s***w up your credit history for 7 years AND they can have what we call a deficiency judgment against you for life until you pay it off =)

  6. What do you want to do? You should already be in touch with them discussing your options. If you haven't spoken to them - call now. They don't really want your house back.

    See if you can work out a payment plan if you want to save it. Or discuss a short sale option if you are upside down on your mortgage debt. Or just wait until the end and move out if you don't care. Get info and determine your options and then choose your best path.

  7. You dont have to entirely move out of the house until after the sheriff sale takes place, which is usually around 6 months (here in Cleveland its around a year).  You can still stay there until that happens, you will get notice in the mail after the foreclosure process starts as to when that date is.

  8. What were you planning on doing when you decided to stop paying your mortgage?

    You need to either sell the house quickly or take those payments out of the bank and pay your bill.

    Call the mortgage company and work out a plan with them.    They will usually work out something to help you get caught up.

  9. not enough info

    How far behind are you?

    Have talked to them?   TALK to them!

    Have you tried to work something out or did you just stop paying?

    Are you wanting to keep the home or give it up?

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