
What do I do when ex friends just emailed me?

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My best friend and I were bff in high school and college. He went out with this girl and she thought that I had the hots for him which I don't. At the end of 12th grade he enlisted in the army. We talked like friends do. Then in 2004 he came home for 2 weeks. During that 2 weeks we never hung out. So last day he was here, He invited me to go to dinner with his gf and some friends. Come to find out it was more like 30 friends. So during the night they ignore me and I just left. Didn't tell them. He didn't come after me didn't call me. So in 2008 he just myspace me and I dont know what to do. I am still upset at him for what he did. I also found out that he got married to her and never mentioned it to me. I saw pictures of him from a friend. I just sad that it ended out friendship and I felt like i lost a good friend. I don't really care for his wife because I don't like her. But he wants to hang out during Labor day. Should I talk to him or move on with my life? Advice. Thanks




  1. tell him that you are still mad about that night with his girlfriend/wife and friends. also mention that they never talked to you and really don't like the way his wife treats you.

  2. honestly..... just for get.. hang out.. catch up.... have fun good luck

  3. do what he did to you don't talk to him and let's see how that make him feel

  4. Let him hang out with his wife during Labor Day.

    Move on, are not a high priority in his life!

  5. Think it's best to forgive and just be friends again. He might just want to reunite and might have felt bad.  

  6. He is attempting to reconcile your friendship and i think you should do the same.  If you are questioning whether to see him then i think you deep down miss him as a friend and want him back in your life.  Otherwise you would have completely ignored his message and not thought about it since.  If you have feelings for him (more than just friends) then i would steer clear of him.  It is a shame that he did not invite you to his wedding or even tell you about it and i can understand why that is upsetting you but it is in the past.  Tell him you are disappointed that you were friends for so long and you didn't get to see him get married.  Be honest with him though and attempt to at least be civil with his wife.  You can almost guarantee that if you are not nice to his wife then you will lose him as a friend forever.  Good Luck!

  7. True friends don't stop talking to you for no reason, AND they don't just talk to you whenever the mood strikes them. It's very understandable why you feel the way you do. WHY he failed to mention his marriage is a good question.

    You could email him back asking why he has suddenly contacted you, or you could simply choose to ignore the myspace contact, block him in some way & also block any email from him coming into your account. You don't owe him any explanations.

    My advice to you would be to move on with your life. Again, the big question here is why he chose not to mention his marriage.  

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