
What do I do when i have speech "problems"?

by  |  earlier

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I have a problem with my speech that i get stuck sometimes. Mostly when someone asks my name. And i really would like to be just normal ,you know what i am talking about? Example to sometimes unstuck myself on a sentence i say "that". And on spanish i say "que" which means what. I am Cuban so you know I speak spanish as well. But ya i would really like help to get this "thing" fixed because it's a pain in the ***. Some of you may know what i mean. But ya anyway it's mostly when sometimes asks my name, like I know what my name is and all but it just won't come out. It's not pronouncing the words. It's kinda like I choke while speaking sometimes, mostly when someone asks my name. Well thanks anyway.




  1. Practice saying it.  Don't worry i had the same problem

    Well look in the mirror and say your name. Thats it.  If its bad like you described go to consouling it will help I had studdering problems and had to go to consouling to stop

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