I fell asleep with a plate of bones from chicken wings next to my bed. My cat was sleeping with me, but when i woke up he wasn't there and there was half of a chicken bone on the floor a couple feet away from my bed. it looks like the one from the leg.
I went to find him, and he's just chillin. He had a bunch of hairball attempts, though, which is pretty unusual for him.
A couple of years ago, he had a urinary blockage and was in the ICU for a couple of weeks, it's a miracle he survived. Ever since, we've had to make sure he's drinking LOTS of water and he's on a special diet.
I brought him to the sink and had him drink some water, and then brought him to my room so i can watch him. He started doing some weird coughing thing for a little, but then stopped and is now just lying down next to me like he always does. He looks fine, and doesn't get irritated when i touch his stomach like he did when he had the blockage.
What can i do? How can i help him? is he going to be okay?
Ask if you want any more information. i don't want anything to happen to him.