
What do I do when my contact lenses are blurry especially when I use the computer?

by  |  earlier

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They seem to work fine ( I think...), but they seem to blur up especially when I use the computer.




  1. I have contacts too and that happens to me a lot!  To prevent it from happening on the computer, you have to keep blinking.  Also, I use a lot of eye drops to moisturize my eyes with the contacts in.  I hope these tips help :)

  2. Your eyes are probably dry, cos you concentrate on the screen without blinking.

    Rest your eyes every 30 minutes... use eye drops.

  3. They say (and I know it was a credible source, but I can't remember who right now) that people blink about half as much when staring at a computer as opposed to everyday activities so it is easier for eyes to get dry.  Eyedrops are the way to go (or remember to blink more often!)

  4. That's b/c your eyes are drying out. You should put moisturizing eye drops in. I like Thera Tears.

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