
What do I do when my ex is a psycho and the lagal system is ineffective? He keeps comming waking me and the

by  |  earlier

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neighbours up, then causes damage to the building, sure the easy answer would be call the cops but they wont hold him where i live untill after trial and the reason hes not in my life is drugs and alcohol so that will just make him angrier and he doesnt care about jail he has nada to loose




  1. The easiest way would be to have a video camera and film him in one of his little temper tantrums. That way the cops cannot dispute the urgency of locking him up. I know it is scary also to keep calling them when they won't do anything, but if you keep calling them you will have a record of how often he does this. And, (hope it doesn't but if it does) if something happens to you, they would have a track record of your calls and be able to track him down quickly for punishment. Also, one of the benefits of calling them each time is maybe they will catch him with drugs or something else on him that they can hold him for. Do you have any witnesses to his violent behavior? If you have a witness or can catch it on tape, then you have grounds to ask for a restraining order on him. Then if he comes near you agin, you CAN have him locked up.

    Good Luck!!!

  2. If you get a restraining order....that is a good first step....he is court ordered to stay away....and anytime he gets close get him arrested....he gets arrested enough, they'll threten jail, and if he doesn't get the picture then, i suggest exercising your second amendment rights

  3. The short answer is to buy a shot gun...load it with shells filled with rock salt and shoot him in both legs...hopefully he'll get the picture then.  The real question is, exactly how did you think dating this loser would end?  You obviously knew he was a loser so why did you date him in the first place?

    Well since shooting him is out of the question...if you have the money hire a body guard...let him take care of your problem.  Many are licensed and bonded.  They can take your problem down without causing him any serious harm (perfectly legal probably in Canada too).  Or just pay some guy to beat the cr@p out of him.

    Unfortunately the only way to get a bully off your back is to stand up to the bully and beat him at his own game.

  4. restraining order

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