
What do I do when someone says they love me?

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I am 21 yrs old and a girl who is 17 tells me that she loves me. We have been talking for 5 months or so and I have seen her in person only once. I understand that there is a lot of chemistry and feelings and even sometimes I feel like saying I love her. I know what she is feeling is premature and it is just because she is alone and wants someone to love and be loved by. Meaning she probably doesn't love me for who I am but rather loves me for being her company. I don't want to tread on her feelings but I need to let her know that it will be a long time between us before she can experience true love?




  1. Just tell her that you love her.  If it develops into that later, then it won't have been a lie, right?

  2. bro I had the same experience. Im 17 but so far I think ive experienced all those kinda situations.

    My advice, just keep it real. I had a 16 year old falling in "love" with me when she was 15 recently (she's now 16) eventhough we havent even met. I guess she digged how I talk and exhibit myself but i simply said "you know girl, if we keep talking like this I have to date you one day." ofcourse she felt butterflies.. but i had to kill it quick. I told her unfortunately we wont be seeing anytime soon. Then expressed on my words that she needs to concentrate on her fling. (she had a fling that time and now is her bf).

    and oh yeah, I felt regret of breakin up of what was a good match.. I liked her so much but it was just too pre mature and she doesnt even know the real life. She was born on a well off family and im a working class dude.. thats hard to combine specially when in different place.

    But the thing is.. my advice, you tell her you like her and show her you will always have her back even though things couldnt work out.

    remember.. show her and even lets say she end up having a boyfriend.. dont sweat it, you can still and will have her, the most important thing is that you are there if she needs someone.

  3. Tell her that you love spending time talking to her, and you feel that she has added to your life...see where it goes from there!!

    Good luck xxxx

  4. If you love her back, tell her. Don't mislead and keep talking to her as if you truly love her but don't. Tell her what you wrote here on your question. If you don't love her as much as she loves you, tell her what you think your relationship is at currently. Be straight up.  

  5. tell her it good to know feelings from her. that all

  6. you need to wait one more year untill she is 18 to think about a relationship, at 17 infatuation and alot of naive feelings are put into place, true love doesnt mean it will take a long time, hen you find the right person true love happens instantly,

  7. Who says she can't be in love at 17. I had my heart crushed at 14 and was married at 18 and have been married now for 17 years! You sound pretty mature, and frankly I am astonished at your forethought for this young woman. Most guys your age wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation.

    You need to sit her down for a heart to heart, and tell her you care a great deal for her but that you can't take your relationship to the next level until she is at least 18 years old and your certain she is ready for that kind of relationship.

    Frankly, I think your the kind of boy a mother hopes her daughter will bring home and I have 3 daughters! Kudus for you!!!!


  8. It takes time for certain things to develop, especially love. Take one step at a time. Talk to her more often to see if you two truly loves each other. Be truthful to her. Tell her what is on your mind and your concerns. Treat her as a very close friend and then see if you two can get any closer.

  9. go directly &talk to her &tell her what is ther in ur heart.

  10. Just tell her what you love about her. Her personality,the way she look, talking to her etc.  

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