
What do I do when the guy I like is being home schooled???

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What do I do when the guy I like is being home schooled???




  1. So, if he can't help your social status at school by holding your hand and ....well, whatever the big deal is,  you have a problem with it? If you truly like him and want to get to know him then why not? Treat him like any other friend.

  2. Is there something wrong with being home schooled??

  3. Exactly what you would do if the guy you like is not homeschooled.

  4. Study together after public school lets out.

    Go skating.

    Go to the movies.

    Get pizza.

    Introduce him to your friends.

    He can introduce you to his.

    ... or is it that he doesn't know that you like him?

  5. Broom him fast. Just kidding. Marry him.

  6. stay away!!  His momma isn't going to let him out from under her wing

  7. What's wrong with him being homeschooled?  It's just like if he were attending a different school from you.  So you won't be able to see him all day at school and waste time writing him notes when you should be listening to your teacher.  Big deal.  Where he gets his education shouldn't matter if it's someone you want to be friends with or date.

  8. Unless hes got like three heads and 4 arms, talk to him like you would anyone else. Just cause he's home schooled does not mean he's any different then anyone else. I bet too that he probably has way better manners then your public school boys.

  9. Can you elaborate on this just a little?  Is there a specific problem?

    I can't figure out what the problem would be quite yet.

  10. Wow.  The girl my son likes is being public schooled!!

    We are pretty weirded out about that too.

    (Only kidding.  She is a neat gal.    They are 15 years old and marriage is not in immediate future...but she already knows that we will make her sign a contract that their children will be homeschooled.   )

  11. I'm guessing you mean you can't really just chat with him during the day because he's not in school with you?

    Just do something after school with him and some other friends, and talk to him a lot, and eventually maybe just the two of you can do something.  It's not that hard to figure out.

  12. Talk to him like you would anyone else.

    Since you state that you like him you must have had some type of interaction with him, or his family for you to have come to the conclusion that you like the young man?

    Home schooled students are people like anyone else, you can talk to them.

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