
What do I do with Frozen Hamster?

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My old four-year-old hamster (Chibbles) has passed away two months ago, I have recently gotten a new one to replace him, but I decided to keep Chibbles' memory alive by freezing her in my freezer. She's been there since, and I need to know what I should do with her?

Thanks for any solutions!




  1. Give her a funeral, and let her rest in peace. That's what I did with my hamsters.

  2. Say good by and bury the poor thing.  I'm sorry for your loss.  Or maybe you can go to a taxidermist and have it stuffed and then you can always keep it close to you.  My dad had a frog preserved- he put it in a makeshift boxing ring standing on his hind legs (kind of weird though).  

  3. have a funeral. it's what i did. i had my guinea pig in the freezer for two weeks before i gave him up (and i still think i buried him too soon) find a resting place that you trust wont be disturbed.

  4. I have several pets in my freezer ~ I'm only waiting to bury them because I'm currently living on property that does not belong to me.

    So, I suggest that you either bury Chibbles, or throw her in the trash. If you feel guilty about throwing her in the trash, you can always light a candle and say [either mentally or out loud] a heartfelt prayer & apology.  

  5. put a little salt and pepper on it to taste and throw it in the oven!

  6. burry her.Get some flowers or something to decorate the "casket".Im sorry for your loss.

  7. that is nasty no offense but u could ether get her stuffed throw her out in the trash or cremate her your choice good luck  

  8. It's time to say good bye. Why not have a hamie funeral, and bury her in a special place. Maybe you can make a pretty gravestone (not a "grave" gravestone. Make it cheerful for Chibbles!) and put flowers bye it, time to time. You have to love an animal when it's here. When it's can still love it in your heart. Sorry about Chibbles. But you and him are still friends, in your mind and heart. Give your new hamie lots of TLC!

  9. Bury her and put a little marker on her grave.

  10. oh how sad...

    i know how u feel or atleast my 13 year old cuzin does...

    she had a pet small parrot called kiki and she loved him to death

    then one day kiki was flying around the house and kiki desided to hide behind the door

    then my cuzins little sister closed the door, not knowing kiki was behind it and that was the end of poor kiki:[

    my cuzin still hasnt gotten over that, and kept her bird in the freezer since last year:/

    she just decided to thaw it and feed it to her snake, because she wanted to "honor" it by giving it to a snake that she also loves, than to just burry it in the cold, muddy dirt like everyone else would:/

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