
What do I do with a five year old girl who is really jealous?

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I'm her babysitter, and anytime i pay attention to anyone other than her she throws a temper tantrum and insists that i hate her. The other day her little brother hurt his foot on a rock. I held him to settle him down and check his foot. She threw a temper tantrum, and later i caught her trying to drop a rock on her foot. I'm constantly trying to reassure her that i do love her, even when i pay attention to someone else. Her parents and her grandparents are all very involved in her life. I don't know what's causing this or how to stop this behavior.




  1. They learn to play you at a young age.  She has you right where she wants you, and probably the grands, also.

    The next time a tantrum is thrown, you better thow one right back- unless you like being bossed by kids.

  2. Try building her self-esteem.  And also, have her be your "little helper" so that the next time another child gets hurt, she can help by getting a band-aid, or fixing a bottle etc.

  3. My 4 year old little sister does the same thing she is extremely jealous of me holding any other baby or kid...I have to explain to her that I do love her and that nobody can take her place and here's what I'd do is I'd do something special with each individual kid like spend and hour with her and then an hour with her brother and let them choose the activity!

  4. You need to speak with the parents and tell them the problem. She wants to be center of attention at all points of the day, and maybe she is doing the same thing at home with her parents and they give her the attention. Start ignoring her reactions when she does this stuff, and see if it helps, when she doesn't get the attention she wants.

  5. As someone who has had to have dealt with this before. Throw at tantrum right at her face kick and scream and cry and roll around on the floor. It intrests them so much they forget. (Usually)

  6. It seems like it must be coming from the parents, perhaps they shower her with too much attention and give her whatever she asks for and if she doesn't get her way she throws a fit. I'd tell the parents definitely cause later in life it's only going to harm herself.

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